
EasyTau 2

Data Acquisition and Analysis Software

  • Combined solution for hardware control, data acquisition and analysis in FluoTime 300 and FluoTime 250 spectrometers
  • Three modes of operation depending on users requirements
  • Powerful scripting language for automation (local or remote)
  • Steady-state and global decay analysis with robust error analysis
  • Fitting software for TCSPC electronics in histogramming mode

The latest newly released version, EasyTau 2.3, supports Prima and Taiko PDL M1 as light sources for FluoTime spectrometers.

Analyzing luminescence decays with EasyTau 2

The EasyTau 2 software is an intuitive though powerful tool to acquire and analyze fluorescence spectra and lifetime decays obtained from FluoTime 300 and FluoTime 250 spectrometers. It can also be used as merely an analysis add-on software for home-built set-ups using PicoQuant TCSPC electronics through importing ASCII or phu files. EasyTau 2 combines easy-to-use algorithms with efficient data management namely tree-structure that makes data dependencies visible at first glance. 

The software is also equipped with a powerful report generator to create presentation-ready plots or tables as PDF or HTML files.

Wide range of measurements and analysis

A wide range of measurements and analysis can be carried out using FluoTime spectrometers and single graphical user interface (GUI) including

Performing anisotropy decay measurements with EasyTau 2Operation modes

A unique and powerful feature of EasyTau 2 software is its three modes of operation that enable users to employ PicoQuant fluorescence spectrometers, FluoTime 300 and FluoTime 250, according to their working routines and requirements.

Wizard mode provides step by step assistance, guides users through all the optimization steps and facilitates beginners to perform various complex measurements.

Customized mode allows full control over the instrumental parameters. It is an ideal mode for advanced users who would like to precisely adjust the measurement criteria. 

Scripting mode allows automation of measurement routines which is especially useful for complex applications. Additionally, EasyTau 2 provides an interface for remote execution of scripts, so that the automation can be extended to third-party accessories such as robotic autosamplers.

Performing a Bootstrap error analysis with EasyTau 2Versatile decay analysis

EasyTau 2 supports both tail fitting and numerical reconvolution. The latter is to account for the Instrument Response Function (IRF). The decay data can be fitted with various models including exponential decay (up to 5th order) and distribution models such as Gaussian, Lorenzian, and stretched exponential. All models support both global and batch mode fitting.

Current software version: 2.3

The latest version now supports PicoHarp 330Prima and Taiko PDL M1 as excitation sources for FluoTime spectrometers as well as switching between different laser drivers at run time. There are also general improvements in the measurement und analysis scripts and a new chromaticity plot option. Note: the software is protected by a USB dongle and will not work without it. Please contact PicoQuant if you want to update EasyTau version 1.x or FluoFit to the latest version.

Course on time-resolved fluorescence

Logo Time-resolved Fluorescence CoursePicoQuant annually holds the course on "Principles and Applications of Time-resolved Fluorescence Spectroscopy". The course is intended for individuals wishing an in-depth introduction to the principles of fluorescence spectroscopy and its applications to the Life Sciences. The course is held in cooperation with Prof. J.R. Lakowicz from the Center of Fluorescence Spectroscopy (CFS) in Baltimore and consists of lectures as well as instrumentation and software hands-on training.

Included wizards Excitation and emission spectrum, time course excitation and emissionn spectrum, anisotropy excitation and emission spectrum, intensity time trace
scan, temperature mapped emission spectra, excitation/emission mapping, quantum yield, phosphorescence decay, fluorescence decay, time-resolved anisotropy, time course decay, time-resolved emission scan
Operation modes
  • Wizard mode: step by step assistance
  • Customized mode: full control over instrumental parameter
  • Scripting mode: measurement routine automation 
Basic data handling Arithmetic operations (addition, subtraction, multiplication, division), derivation, integration, normalization, smoothing, max, min, FWHM, etc.
Fitting module
Exponential decay models Up to 5th order
Lifetime distributions Gaussian, Lorentzian, stretched exponential (with up to 5 peaks)
Anisotropy Up to 3rd order exponential decay model, tail fit of the anisotropy decay and anisotropy reconvolution
Decay parameters Amplitudes, lifetimes, distribution width, background
Anisotropy parameters Detection polarization angle dependent matching factor, amplitude, background
Reconvolution parameters Background, time shift, scattered light contribution, pulse repetition rate
Nonlinear least squares fitting/MLE Marquardt-Levenberg, Monte Carlo, manual parameter variation
Correction for finite IRF Iterative reconvolution
Error test/assessment χ2, distribution and autocorrelation of weighted residuals
Error analysis Bootstrap
Global analysis/batch mode fitting For all fitting models, number of data sets only memory limited
User interface
Graphical user interface Windows based GUI
Display Linear or logarithmic scale, zoomable
Data import ASCII, phu, from Windows clipboard
Supported devices FluoTime 300, FluoTime 250, PicoHarp 330, TimeHarp 260, MultiHarp 150
Operation environment
Computer CPU: min. 2 GHz, RAM: min. 2 GB
Operating system Windows 10
Protection module USB

All Information given here is reliable to our best knowledge. However, no responsibility is assumed for possible inaccuracies or omissions. Specifications and external appearances are subject to change without notice.

The following recorded videos give a demonstration of the powerful options.  

Latest 10 publications referencing FluoFit, FluoTime 300

The following list is an extract of 10 recent publications from our bibliography that either bear reference or are releated to this product in some way. Do you miss your publication? If yes, we will be happy to include it in our bibliography. Please send an e-mail to containing the appropriate citation. Thank you very much in advance for your kind co-operation.

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