
PicoQuant offers specialized software for the analysis of quantum correlations and fluorescence measurements. This includes multiexponential fluorescence decay fitting as well as special methods like FLIM and FLIM-FRET, FCS, FCCS, FLCS, anisotropy, antibunching, coincidences and the analysis of fluorescence time traces.


Fluorescence Lifetime Imaging Analysis Software

  • Imaging analysis with Luminosa, MicroTime 200, and LSM Upgrade Kit
  • Fast analysis of FLIM, FLIM-FRET, and anisotropy data, based on GPU-accelerated algorithms
  • Efficient batch analysis of z-stacks, time-lapse series and stitched images
  • Advanced, flexible ROI handling
  • Reproducible ROI selection incorporating histograms of fitted parameters
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NovaFLIM Fluorescence Lifetime Imaging Analysis Software


Quantum Correlation Analysis Software

  • Antibunching (g(2)) measurements including fitting of several models
  • Coincidence counting / event filtering using AND, OR, NOT operators
  • Preview of antibunching curve and correlation data during measurement
  • Remote control via TCP/IP Interface
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QuCoa Software

SymPhoTime 64

Fluorescence Lifetime Imaging and Correlation Software

  • Point, 2D, and 3D TTTR data acquisition with online preview of FLIM, FCS, time-traces, or TCSPC histograms
  • FCS, FCCS, FLCS, PIE-FCS, coincidence correlation, total correlation
  • FRET, PIE-FRET, fluorescence time traces, anisotropy
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SymPhoTime 64 Fluorescence Lifetime Imaging and Correlation Software

EasyTau 2

Data Acquisition and Analysis Software

  • Combined solution for hardware control, data acquisition, and analysis
  • Steady-state and global decay analysis
  • Wizards, step by step assisted mode
  • Full control with customized mode
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EasyTau 2 Data Acquisition and Analysis Software

snAPI free

Fast, Intuitive, and Versatile Python Wrapper

  • Download from GitHub for free
  • Benefit from seamless communication, configuration, and data handling with PicoQuant's TCSPC devices
  • Access, manipulate, and process raw data stream, or read from file
  • Efficiently handle large photon counts with real-time analysis
  • Build your own algorithms, implement complex calculations, and develop tailored data processing pipelines directly in Python
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snAPI Fast, Intuitive, and Versatile Python Wrapper