Awards by PicoQuant
Student Award at Single Molecule Workshop
Awarded for best student (undergarduate and graduate) talk at the annual workshop on "Single Molecule Spectroscopy and Ultra Sensitive Analysis in the Life Sciences". Worth 750 EUR.

Young Investigator Award at SPIE BiOS
Awarded at the conference on "Single Molecule Spectroscopy and Superresolution Imaging" during the Biomedical Optics Symposium BiOS (part of SPIE Photonics West). Worth 750 USD.

Student Award at Biophysical Society Annual Meeting
Awarded at the Biophysical Society Annual Meeting in the subgroup "Biological Fluorescence". The award is given to an outstanding Master's or PhD student who has recently made a significant contribution to our research community. The prize consists of a 750 USD honorarium and an invitation to present a 15-minute research talk at the Subgroup Meeting during the Biophysical Society Annual Meeting.