Time-Resolved Spectroscopy for Bioanalytical Applications
Time-Resolved Spectroscopy for Bioanalytical Applications: Advanced Time-Domain Fluorescence Spectroscopy and Microscopy (FLIM, FRET, FCS & SMD)
Thursday, August 30, 2007
Joint workshop between PicoQuant GmbH and the Center for Commercialization of Fluorescence Technologies at the University of North Texas Health Science Center

The workshop was dedicated to interested students and scientists from Life Sciences having a certain background in fluorescence and confocal microscopy and looking to extend their knowledge to the benefits of time-resolved methods. In the afternoon we provided the opportunity to see state-of-the-art instruments working and gave a detailed explanation of key features by highly recognized instructors.
Product demos
Product demos that where offered included:
- MicroTime 200: time-resolved confocal microscope with single molecule sensitivity
- FluoTime 200: modular fluorescence lifetime spectrometer
- SPCE-Setup: Surface Plasmons Assisted Microscopy (SPAM) combines time-resolved microscopy with nanotechnologies, utilizing surface plasmon resonance (SPR) excitation and surface plasmons-coupled emission (SPCE).
Lecturers / Instructors
- Julian Borejdo, Professor in the Department of Molecular Biology and Immunology in UNTHSC.
- Ignacy Gryczynski, Professor and Director of Microscopy Core Facility in the Department of Cell Biology and Genetics in UNTHSC.
- Zygmunt (Karol) Gryczynski, Professor in the Department of Molecular Biology and Immunology in UNTHSC.
- Samantha Fore, Post-doc at the Center for Biophotonics, UC Davis, Sacramento.
- Thomas Dertinger, Post-doc at the group of Shimon Weiss, UCLA.
- Peter Kapusta, Senior Scientist at PicoQuant.
- Uwe Ortmann, Head of Sales and Marketing at PicoQuant.
Time schedule
Time | Speaker | Title of lecture / talk |
8:30 | Karol Gryczynski / Uwe Ortmann | Welcome & short introduction of UNTHSC / PQ |
8:45 | Peter Kapusta | The FluoTime Series: a versatile family of TCSPC based fluorescence spectrometer |
9:30 | Karol & Ignacy Gryczynski | FluoTime: time-resolved measurements, fluorescence lifetime standards, limits of resolution |
10:00 | Coffee break | |
10:20 | Uwe Ortmann | The MicroTime Series: a versatile family of TCSPC based confocal fluorescence microscopes with single molecule sensitivity for FCS, FRET & FLIM |
10:50 | Samantha Fore | Time-resolved fluorescence spectroscopy applications in biology using the MicroTime 200 - from single molecules to living organisms |
11:30 | Thomas Dertinger | Two focus FCS: a new tool for ultraprecise measurements |
12:10 | Karol Gryczynski / Julian Borejdo | Single molecule conformational dynamics using Surface Plasmons Assisted Microscopy (SPAM) |
12:50 | Lunch (at the Museum - for all participants) | |
14:30 | Product demo 1 | FluoTime 200, MicroTime 200 and SPCE setup |
15:20 | Product demo 2 | FluoTime 200, MicroTime 200 and SPCE setup |
16:10 | Coffee break | |
16:40 | Product demo 3 | FluoTime 200, MicroTime 200 and SPCE setup |
18:00 | Beer & Pizza reception (Room 434 - for participants of product demonstrations only) |
The following international workshops or courses have been organized by PicoQuant GmbH along with a local research institute in the recent years.
Mini-Symposium on Fluorescence Spectroscopy
May 27, 2011 | Munich, Germany
PicoQuant Roadshow in China
May 9 - 19, 2011 | China
Mini-Symposium on Fluorescence Spectroscopy
March 4, 2011 | Baltimore, USA
Workshop on advanced fluorescence spectroscopy
January 10, 2011 | Los Angeles, USA
Single Molecule Fluorescence Workshop
April 26 - 28, 2010 | BNL, USA
Single Molecule Fluorescence Workshop
January 22 - 23, 2009 | Sacramento, USA
Single Molecule Fluorescence Workshop
January 17 - 18, 2008 | Sacramento, USA
Time-Resolved Spectroscopy for Bioanalytical Applications
August 30, 2007 | Fort Worth, USA
Single Molecule Fluorescence Workshop
January 18 - 19, 2007 | Sacramento, USA
Single Molecule Fluorescence Workshop
January 19 - 20, 2006 | Sacramento, USA
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