Single Molecule Fluorescence Workshop
5th Hands-On Workshop on
"Making Single Molecule Fluorescence (Lifetime) Measurements Simple"
April 26 - 28, 2010 at the BNL, Upton, NY, USA
Joint workshop between PicoQuant GmbH and the Brookhaven National Laboratory

The fifth US-workshop, held at a new location was a really outstanding event. Finally, nearly 50 researches participated in this event and enjoyed 19 lectures as well as hands-on experimentation on a home built single molecule set-up based on PicoQuant core components, a FluoView 1000 from Olympus upgraded to FLIM & FCS capabilities, a time-resolved fluorescence spectrometer (FluoTime 200) as well as a TIRFM Olympus IX81 with CW excitation and EMCCD detection in dual-view format (two color detection). Up-to-date research topics in single molecule spectroscopy were covered and new exciting methods were discussed.
Invited speakers and their titles
- Ahmed Heikal (University of Minnesota Duluth)
"Single-Molecule Diffusion Studies of MHC Class I Proteins in Fibroblast Cells" - Antoine Van Oijen (Harvard Medical School)
"Single-Molecule Studies of Multi-Protein Complexes" - Haw Yang (Princeton University)
"Protein Large-Amplitude Conformational Transitions: Dynamics, Mechanics, and Functional Roles" - Joseph R. Lakowicz (University of Baltimore)
"Single Molecule Detection and Photophysics Using Plasmonic Nanostructures" - Elizabeth Rhoades (Yale University)
"Probing the Conformations of Polymorphic Proteins" - Peter T.C. So (Massachusetts Institute of Technology)
"Wide-Field Two-Photon Imaging and Microfabrication" - Zygmunt "Karol" Gryczynski (University of North Texas)
"Plasmonic Approach to Study Biological Processes" - Mircea Cotlet (Brookhaven National Laboratory)
"All in One Protein: FRET, Kindling and Blinking in Single Proteins of HcRed" - Samantha Fore (PicoQuant Photonics North America)
"Time-Resolved Single Molecule & Antibunching Studies of the MEH-PPV Conjugated Polymer System" - Volker Buschmann (PicoQuant GmbH)
"Recent Technical Developments in Time-Resolved Microscopy down to the Single Molecule Level" - Rainer Erdmann (PicoQuant GmbH)
"Advanced FRET and FCS Measurements with Laser Scanning Microscopes Based on Time-Resolved Techniques"
The program of this workshop is still available for download as a PDF document.
The following international workshops or courses have been organized by PicoQuant GmbH along with a local research institute in the recent years.
Mini-Symposium on Fluorescence Spectroscopy
May 27, 2011 | Munich, Germany
PicoQuant Roadshow in China
May 9 - 19, 2011 | China
Mini-Symposium on Fluorescence Spectroscopy
March 4, 2011 | Baltimore, USA
Workshop on advanced fluorescence spectroscopy
January 10, 2011 | Los Angeles, USA
Single Molecule Fluorescence Workshop
April 26 - 28, 2010 | BNL, USA
Single Molecule Fluorescence Workshop
January 22 - 23, 2009 | Sacramento, USA
Single Molecule Fluorescence Workshop
January 17 - 18, 2008 | Sacramento, USA
Time-Resolved Spectroscopy for Bioanalytical Applications
August 30, 2007 | Fort Worth, USA
Single Molecule Fluorescence Workshop
January 18 - 19, 2007 | Sacramento, USA
Single Molecule Fluorescence Workshop
January 19 - 20, 2006 | Sacramento, USA
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