Single Molecule Fluorescence Workshop
4th Hands-On Workshop on
"Making Single Molecule Fluorescence (Lifetime) Measurements Simple"
January 22 - 23, 2009 in Sacramento, USA
Joint workshop between PicoQuant GmbH and the Center for Biophotonics at UC Davis

The fourth workshop of its kind was a real success. Finally, nearly 40 researches participated in this event and enjoyed 14 lectures as well as hands-on experimentation on a MicroTime 200, a FluoView 300 from Olympus upgraded to FLIM & FCS capabilities as well as a time-resolved CARS setup. Up-to-date research topics in single molecule spectroscopy were covered and new exciting methods were discussed.
Invited speakers and their titles
- Zygmunt "Karol" Gryczynski (University of North Texas, Fort Worth, USA)
"FRET in Single Molecule Detection Format - Applications to Single Antibody Immunoassay" - Carl Hayden (Sandia National Laboratories, USA)
"Time-resolved, Multi-spectral, Single Molecule Spectroscopy" - Fernando D. Stefani (ICFO, Barcelona, Spain)
"Laser Heating of Gold Nanoparticles: 'Icebreakers' for Phospholipid Membranes" - Sebastian Wachsmann-Hogiu (UC Davis, Sacramento, USA)
"All-optical Time-gated Raman / Fluorescence Micro-spectroscopy" - Andreas Schönle (MPI Göttingen, Germany)
"Photoswitching enables the observation of biomolecular dynamics on the nanoscale" - Tingjuan Gao (UC Davis, Sacramento, USA)
"Unraveling interactions between nanolipoprotein particles and membrane proteins at the single molecule level" - Jörg Enderlein (University of Göttingen, Germany)
"Dual-focus Confocal Fluorescence Spectroscopy" - Jim Schuck (Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, USA)
"Non-blinking and Photostable Upconverted Luminescence from Single Lanthanide-doped Nanocrystals" - Ghopal Iyer (UCLA, USA)
"Quantum Dot Labeling of Single Single-chain Fragment Antibody Tagged Proteins" - Mircea Cotlet (Brookhaven National Laborytory, USA)
"Single Molecule Energy and Electron Transfer in Model Multichromophoric Systems" - Thomas Huser (UC Davis, Sacramento, USA)
"Time-resolved Coherent Anti-Stokes Raman Scattering (T-CARS) Microscopy" - Samantha Fore (PicoQuant Photonics North America, USA)
"Full Fluorescence Correlation Analysis - From Picoseconds To Seconds - For The Study Of Biomolecular Interactions And Dynamics" - Felix Koberling (PicoQuant GmbH, Germany)
"Recent Technical Developments in Time-Resolved Microscopy down to the Single Molecule Level" - Rainer Erdmann (PicoQuant GmbH, Germany)
"Advanced FRET and FCS Measurements with Laser Scanning Microscopes Based on Time-resolved Techniques"
The program of this workshop is still available for download as a PDF document.
The following international workshops or courses have been organized by PicoQuant GmbH along with a local research institute in the recent years.
Mini-Symposium on Fluorescence Spectroscopy
May 27, 2011 | Munich, Germany
PicoQuant Roadshow in China
May 9 - 19, 2011 | China
Mini-Symposium on Fluorescence Spectroscopy
March 4, 2011 | Baltimore, USA
Workshop on advanced fluorescence spectroscopy
January 10, 2011 | Los Angeles, USA
Single Molecule Fluorescence Workshop
April 26 - 28, 2010 | BNL, USA
Single Molecule Fluorescence Workshop
January 22 - 23, 2009 | Sacramento, USA
Single Molecule Fluorescence Workshop
January 17 - 18, 2008 | Sacramento, USA
Time-Resolved Spectroscopy for Bioanalytical Applications
August 30, 2007 | Fort Worth, USA
Single Molecule Fluorescence Workshop
January 18 - 19, 2007 | Sacramento, USA
Single Molecule Fluorescence Workshop
January 19 - 20, 2006 | Sacramento, USA
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