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These technical notes cover applications or technical aspects of our time-resolved spectrometers (FluoTime Series). This includes, for example, anisotropy and sensitivity measurements using the FluoTime spectrometers as well as an example of perfomring high speed lifetime measurements of proteins using the FluoTime 300.

Time-resolved photoluminescence and electroluminescence characterization of a quantum dot LED using the FluoTime 300 spectrometer

Current materials science research aims to advance the energy efficiency, color quality, and stability of LEDs. One approach towards efficient lighting that has attracted significant attention is the incorporation of colloidal quantum dots (QDs), as these can reach a high quantum yields of over 80%. This application note will showcase time-resolved photoluminescence and electroluminescence measurements of a quantum dot LED with the FluoTime 300 spectrometer.

Time-resolved photoluminescence and electroluminescence characterization  of a quantum dot LED using the FluoTime 300 spectrometer

Microvolume Fluorescence Spectroscopy Measurements with the FluoTime Spectrometer

In this application note, we demonstrate microvolume fluorescence spectroscopy and lifetime measurements with the FluoTime 250 or FluoTime 300 Lifetime Fluorometer, which can be applied to a range of tasks, including nucleic acid analysis, protein assays, enzyme assays with fluorogenic substrates, fluorescent ion indicators, metabolite quantification, and immunoassays. 

Microvolume Fluorescence Spectroscopy Measurements  with the FluoTime Spectrometer

Measuring steady-state and time-resolved photoluminescence from a positionable, micrometer-sized observation volume with the FluoMic microscope

In this white paper, we show how the combination of a FluoTime 300 with the FluoMic microscope becomes a powerful tool for collecting spectral and temporal information from a sample using a micrometer-sized, positionable observation volume. The capabilities of such an instrument are demonstrated through a series of examples reflecting a broad range of application scenarios.

Measuring steady-state and time-resolved photoluminescence from a positionable, micrometer-sized observation volume with the FluoMic microscope

Performing high speed lifetime measurements of proteins using a 280 nm picosecond laser

This application note compares measuring steady state and time-resolved fluorescence of Human Serum Albumin (HSA) using a FluoTime 300 spectrometer using either a 280 nm pulsed LED (PLS-280) or a picosecond pulsed UV laser (VisUV-280). The reported results show that using the laser allows for much shorter acquisition times. Furthermore, the narrower temporal pulse width of the laser allows determining short lifetimes with higher accuracy.

Performing high speed lifetime measurements of proteins using a 280 nm picosecond laser