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Searching for MicroTime 200
1302 results found.
Enhancing the photoluminescence emission of conjugated MEH-PPV by light processing
Botiz I., Freyberg P., Leordean C., Gabudean A.-M., Astilean S., Yang A.C.-M., Stingelin N.
ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces, Vol.006, p.4974-4979 (2014)
Reference to: MicroTime 200
Active cage mechanism oof chaperonin-assisted protein folding demonstrated at single-molecule level
Gupta A.J., Haldar S., Miličić G., Hartl F.U., Hayer-Hartl M.
Journal of Molecular Biology, Vol.426, p.2739-2754 (2014)
Reference to: MicroTime 200, SymPhoTime
A low pressure on-chip injection strategy for high-performance chip-based chromatography
Thurmann S., Dittmar A., Belder D.
Journal of Chromatography A., Vol.1340, p.59-67 (2014)
Reference to: MicroTime 200
Aggregation/disaggregation of chlorophyll a in model phospholipid-detergent vesicles and micelles
Correia R.F., Viseu M.I., Andrade S.M.
Photochemical & Photobiological Sciences, Vol.013, p.907-916 (2014)
Reference to: MicroTime 200, TimeHarp 100/200, FluoFit, PMA Series
Remote biosensing with polychromatic optical waveguide using blue light-emitting organic nanowires hybridized with quantum dots
Cho E.H., Kim B.-G., Jun S., Lee J., Park D.H., Lee K.-S., Kim J., Kim J., Joo J.
Advanced Functional Materials, Vol.024, p.3684-3691 (2014)
Reference to: MicroTime 200
Solvation dynamics and intermittent oscillation of cell membrane: live chinese hamster ovary cell
Ghosh S., Chattoraj S., Bhattacharyya K.
The Journal of Physical Chemistry B, Vol.118, p.2949-2956 (2014)
Reference to: MicroTime 200, Pulsed Diode Lasers (PDL Series, LDH-Series, LDH-FA Series), PicoHarp 300
Molecularly smooth single-crystalline films of thiophene-phenylene co-oligomers grown at the gas-liquid interface
Postnikov V.A., Odarchenko Y.I., Iovlev A.V., Bruevich V.V., Pereverzev A.Y., Kudryashova L.G., Sobornov V.V., Vidal L., Chernyshov D., Luponosov Y.N., Borshchev O.V., Surin N.M., Ponomarenko S.A., Ivanov D.A., Paraschuk D.Y.
Crystal Growth & Design, Vol.014, p.1726-1737 (2014)
Reference to: MicroTime 200
Highly luminescent and optically switchable hybrid material by one-pot encapsulation of dyes into MgAPO-11 unidirectional nanopores
Martinez-Martinez V., Garcia R., Gómez-Hortigüela L., Sola Llano R., Pérez-Pariente J., López-Arbeloa I.
ACS Photonics, Vol.001, p.205-211 (2014)
Reference to: MicroTime 200
Live-cell FRET imaging reveals clustering of the prion protein at the cell surface induced by infectios prions
Tavares E., Macedo J.A., Paulo P.M.R., Tavares C., Lopes C., Melo E.P.
Biochimica et Biophysica Acta (BBA)- Molecular Basis of Disease, Vol.1842, p.981-991 (2014)
Reference to: MicroTime 200, TimeHarp 100/200
Efficient electron transfer in carbon nanodot-graphene oxide nanocomposites
Yu P., Wen X., Toh Y.-R., Lee Y.-C., Huang K.-Y., Huang S., Shrestha S., Conibeer G., Tang J.
Journal of Materials Chemistry C, Vol.002, p.2894-2901 (2014)
Reference to: MicroTime 200, PicoHarp 300
Fluorescence spectral correlation spectroscopy (FSCS) for probes with highly overlapping emission spectra
Benda A., Kapusta P., Hof M., Gaus K.
Optics Express, Vol.022, p.2973-2988 (2014)
Reference to: MicroTime 200
Diblock copolymers with miscible blocks via one-pot sequential cationic polymerization and thei bock-lenght-dependent vesicular aggregation
Banerjee S., Maji T., Paira T.K., Mandal T.K.
Macromolecular Chemistry and Physics, Vol.215, p.440-451 (2014)
Reference to: MicroTime 200
Single-moldcule metal-induced energy transfer (smMIET): resolving nanometer distances at the single-molecule level
Karedla N., Chizhik A.I., Gregor I., Chizhik A.M., Schulz O., Enderlein J.
ChemPhysChem, Vol.015, p.705-711 (2014)
Reference to: MicroTime 200, SymPhoTime
Helium ion microscope generated nitrogen-vacancy centers in type lb diamond
McCloskey D., Fox D., O´Hara N., Usov V., Scalan D., McEvoy N., Duesberg G.S., Cross G.L.W., Zhang H.Z., Donegan J.F.
Applied Physics Letters, Vol.104, p.031109-031109-5 (2014)
Reference to: MicroTime 200
The application of water soluble, mega-stokes-shifted bodipy fluorophores to cell and tissue imaging
Moriarty R.D., Martin A., Adamson K., O´Reilly E., Mollard P., Forster R.J., Keyes T.E.
Journal of Microscopy, Vol.253, p.204-218 (2014)
Reference to: MicroTime 200, SymPhoTime
Fast single-molecule FRET spectroscopy: theory and experiment
Chung H.S., Gopich I.V.
Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics, Vol.016, p.18644-18657 (2014)
Reference to: MicroTime 200
elF4B and elF4G jointly stimulate elF4A ATPase and unwinding activities by modulation of the elF4A conformational cycle
Andreaou A.Z., Klostermeier D.
Journal of Molecular Biology, Vol.426, p.51-61 (2014)
Reference to: MicroTime 200
Far-red fluorescence probe for monitoring singlet oxygen during photodynamic therapy
Kim S., Tachikawa T., Fujisuka M., Majima T.
Journal of the American Chemical Society, Vol.136, p.11707-11715 (2014)
Reference to: MicroTime 200
Nanosecond dynamics of calmodulin and ribosome- bound nascent chains studies by time- resolved fluorescence anisotopy
Lamprou P., Kempe D., Katranidis A., Büldt G., Fitter J.
ChemBioChem, Vol.015, p.977-985 (2014)
Reference to: MicroTime 200
Micro- or nanorod and nanosphere structures derived from a series of phenyl- porphyrins
Reddy M.H.V., Al- shammari R.M., Al- Attar N., Kennedy E., Rogers L., Lopez S., Senge M.O., Keyes T.E., Rice J.H.
Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics, Vol.016, p.4386-4393 (2014)
Reference to: MicroTime 200
Controlled surface chemistry of diamond/ β-SiC composite films for preferential protein adsorption
Wang T., Handschuh- Wang S., Yang Y., Zhuang H., Schlemper C., Wesner D., Schönherr H., Zhang W., Jiang X.
Langmuir, Vol.030, p.1089-1099 (2014)
Reference to: MicroTime 200, PicoHarp 300
Fractal structures in n- phenyl- porphyrin J- aggregate films
Reddy M.H.V., Al- Shammari R.M., Al- Attar N., Rogers L., Lopez S., Forster R.J., Senge M.O., Keyes T.E., Rice J.H.
Materials Chemistry and Physics, Vol.143, p.963-968 (2014)
Reference to: MicroTime 200
Glucose- induced dissociation of glucokinase from its regulatory protein in the nucleus of hepatocytes prior to nuclear export
Kaminski M.T., Schultz J., Waterstradt R., Tiedge M., Lenzen S., Baltrusch S.
Biochimica et Biophysica Acta (BBA) - Molecular Cell Research, Vol.1843, p.554-564 (2014)
Reference to: MicroTime 200, TimeHarp 100/200
Spatially- resolved ultrafast optical spectroscopy of polymer- grafted residues on CVD graphene
Yu G., Liu X., Xing G., Chen S., Ng C.F., Wu X., Yeow E.K.L., Lew W.S., Sum T.C.
The Journal of Physical Chemistry C, Vol.118, p.708-713 (2014)
Reference to: MicroTime 200
Luminescence enhancement by surface plasmon assisted Förster resonance energy transfer in quantum dots and light emitting polymer hybrids with Au nanoparticles
Lee Y.-B., Lee S.H., Park S.-Y., Park C.-J., Lee K.-S., Kim J., Joo J.
Synthetic Metals, Vol.187, p.130-135 (2014)
Reference to: MicroTime 200