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Our instruments are used by top reserchers world wide, including recent nobel prize winners, such as W.E. Moerner and S.W. Hell. Our bibliography is a collection of papers that mention explicitly PicoQuant or at least one of our product's name. Searching or browsing through the bibliography allows to find out which laboratories use PicoQuant devices and what type of applications have been reported so far.

The bibliography contains articles mentioning explicitly PicoQuant or at least one of our product's name (e.g. MicroTime). Most of the references can be found easily by full-text searches on the internet. However, some papers cite us only indirectly, sometimes not at all. Such publications are included only if the use of a PicoQuant product is known, for example, based on communication with the author(s). There are certainly many more articles reporting results obtained using PicoQuant devices. Unfortunately, such papers are often hidden for us. Please help completing this list.
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Searching for MicroTime 200

1283 results found.

Direct gene expression analysis

Winter H., Korn K., Rigler R.
Current Pharmaceutical Biotechnology, Vol.05, p.191-197 (2004)

Reference to: MicroTime 200
Related to: FCS, Single Molecule Detection

Interactions of a sulfonated aluminum phthalocyanine and cytochrome c in micellar systems: Binding and electron-transfer kinetics

Laia C. A., Costa S. M. B.
Journal of Physical Chemistry B, Vol.108, p.17188-17197 (2004)

Reference to: MicroTime 200

Time-resolved confocal fluorescence imaging and spectroscopy system with single molecule sensitivity and sub-micrometer resolution

Wahl M., Koberling F., Patting M., Rahn H., Erdmann R.
Current Pharmaceutical Biotechnology, Vol.05, p.299-308 (2004)

Reference to: MicroTime 200
Related to: FLIM, FCS, FRET, Antibunching, Single Molecule Detection, Time-resolved Fluorescence

Porphyrin-dendrimer assemblies studied by electronic absorption spectra and time-resolved fluorescence

Paulo P. M. R., Gronheid R., De Schryver F. C., Costa S. M. B.
Macromolecules, Vol.36, p.09135-09144 (2003)

Reference to: MicroTime 200, SymPhoTime
Related to: Anisotropy, Time-resolved Fluorescence

Two channel fluorescence lifetime microscope with two colour laser excitation, single-molecule sensitivity and submicrometer resolution

Koberling F., Wahl M., Patting M., Rahn H.-J., Kapusta P., Erdmann R.
Proceedings of SPIE, Vol.5143, p.181-192 (2003)

Reference to: MicroTime 200
Related to: FLIM, Antibunching, Single Molecule Detection, Time-resolved Fluorescence

Highly sensitive fluorescence detection technology currently available for HTS

Eggeling Ch., Brand L., Ullmann D., Jäger S.
Drug Discovery Today, Vol.08, p.632-641 (2003)

Reference to: MicroTime 200, Pulsed Diode Lasers (PDL Series, LDH-Series, LDH-FA Series)
Related to: FLIM, Anisotropy, Single Molecule Detection, Time-resolved Fluorescence

Multimodal microscopy-based identification of surface nanobubbles

Hain N., Handschuh-Wang S., Wesner D., Druzhinin S.I., Schönherr H.

Reference to: MicroTime 200