8929 results found.
The lateral membrane organization and dynamics of Myelin proteins PLP and MBP are dictated by distinct Galactolipids and the extracellular matrix
Ozgen H., Schrimpf W., Hendrix J., de Jonge J.C., Lamb D.C., Hoekstra D., Kahya N., Baron W.
PLoS ONE, Vol.009, e0101834 (2014)
Reference to: Pulsed Diode Lasers (PDL Series, LDH-Series, LDH-FA Series)
Anthracene fluorescence quenching by a Tetrakis (Ketocarboxamide) Cavitand
Janosi T.Z., Korppi-Tommola J., Csok Z., Kollar L., Myllyperkio P., Erostyak J.
Journal of Spectroscopy, Vol.2014, article ID 708739 (2014)
Reference to: Pulsed Diode Lasers (PDL Series, LDH-Series, LDH-FA Series), HydraHarp 400
A fast relaxation of electronically-excited inclusion complexes of a styryl dye with cucurbit[7]uril
Ivanov D.A., Petrov N.K., Ivanov A.A., Alfimov M.V., Vedernikov A.I., Gromov S.P.
Chemical Physics Lettersm Vol.610-611, p.91-94 (2014)
Reference to: FluoFit
A phosphorescent iridium(III) solvent complex for multiplex assays of cell death
Chen M., Wu Y., Liu Y., Yang H., Zhao Q., Li F.
Biomaterials, Vol.035, p.8748-8755 (2014)
Reference to: Pulsed Diode Lasers (PDL Series, LDH-Series, LDH-FA Series)
Correlated electrical and optical analysis of single nanoparticles and biomolecules on a nanopore-gated optofluidic chip
Liu S., Zhao Y., Parks J.W., Deamer D.W., Hawkins A.R., Schmidt H.
Nano Letters, Vol.014, p.4816-4820 (2014)
Reference to: TimeHarp 100/200
Effect of capping agent and medium on light-induced variation of the luminescence properties of CdTe Quantum dots: a study based on fluorescence correlation spectroscopy, steady state and time-resolved fluorescence techniques
Patra S., Samanta A.
The Journal of Physical Chemistry C, Vol.118, p.18187-18196 (2014)
Reference to: MicroTime 200, SymPhoTime
16-Channel module based on a monolithic array of single-photon detectors and 10-ps time-to-digital converters
Tamborini D., Markovic B., Villa F., Tosi A.
IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Quantum Electronics, Vol.020, article#3802908 (2014)
Reference to: PicoHarp 300
Homogeneous and inhomogeneous sources of optical transition broadening in room temperature CdSe/ZnS nanocrystal quantum dots
Wolf M., Berezovsky J.
Applied Physics Letters, Vol.105, 143105 (2014)
Reference to:
HydraHarp 400
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Reference to: PicoHarp 300
Highly polarized luminescence from β-phase-rich poly(9,9-dioctylfluorene) nanofibers
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Reference to: MicroTime 200
Energy transfer between quantum dots and conjugated dye molecules
Beane G., Boldt K., Kirkwood N., Mulvaney P.
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Reference to: TimeHarp 100/200
Infrared emitting PbS nanocrystal solids through matrix encapsulation
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Chemistry of Materials, Vol.026, p.4256-4264 (2014)
Reference to: Pulsed Diode Lasers (PDL Series, LDH-Series, LDH-FA Series)
Triphosphate induced dimerization of human guanylate binding protein 1 involves association of the C-terminal helices: a joint double electron–electron resonance and FRET study
Vöpel T., Hengstenberg C.S., Peulen T.-O., Ajaj Y., Seidel C.A.M., Herrmann C., Klare J.P.
Biochemistry, Vol.053, p.4590-4600 (2014)
Reference to: Pulsed Diode Lasers (PDL Series, LDH-Series, LDH-FA Series)
The Effects of side-chain-induced disorder on the emission spectra and quantum yields of oligothiophene nanoaggregates: a combined experimental and MD-TDDFT study
Hong J., Jeon S., Kim J.J., Devi D., Chacon-Madrid K., Lee W., Koo S.M., Wildeman J., Sfeir M.Y., Peteanu L.A., Wen J., Ma J.
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Reference to: PicoHarp 300, SPADs
Analysis of quantum rod diffusion by polarized fluorescence correlation spectroscopy
Lee J., Fujii F., Kim S.Y., Pack C.-G., Kim S.W.
Journal of Fluorescence, Vol.024, p.1371-1378 (2014)
Reference to: FluoFit, PicoHarp 300
Covalent synthesis of perylenediimide-bridged silsesquioxane nanoribbons and their electronic properties
Xu L., Manda V.R., McNamara L.E., Jahan M.P., Rathnayake H., Hammer N.I.
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Reference to: FluoFit
Photophysical properties of trans-platinum acetylide complexes featuring N-heterocyclic carbene ligands
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Rational design of a new fluorescent ‘on/off’ xanthene dye for phosphate detection in live cells
Martínez-Peragón A., Miguel D., Orte A., Mota A.J., Ruedas-Rama M.J., Justicia J., Alvarez-Pez J. M., Cuerva J.M., Crovetto L.
Organic & Biomolecular Chemistry, Vol.012, p.6432-6439 (2014)
Reference to: MicroTime 200, FluoTime 200, TimeHarp 100/200, Pulsed Diode Lasers (PDL Series, LDH-Series, LDH-FA Series), FluoFit, SymPhoTime
Diffuser-aided time-domain diffuse optical imaging
Chuang C.-C., Lee C.-Y.
International Symposium on Computer, Consumer and Control (IS3C) (2014)
Reference to: Pulsed Diode Lasers (PDL Series, LDH-Series, LDH-FA Series), HydraHarp 400
Role of shallow electronic traps formed by oxygen vacancies in formation of luminescent properties of CeO
Masalov A., Viagin O., Maksimchuk P., Seminko V., Bespalova I., Aslanov A., Malyukin Y., Zorenko Y.
Journal of Luminescence, Vol.145, p.61-64 (2014)
Reference to: FluoTime 200
Large area superconducting nanowire single photon detector arrays
Casaburi A., Pizzone A., Hadfield R.H.
Italian Conference on Photonics Technologies (2014)
Reference to: HydraHarp 400
Luminescence quenching by photoinduced charge transfer between metal complexes in peptide nucleic acids
Yin X., Kong J., De Leon A., Li Y., Ma Z., Wierzbinski E., Achim C., Waldeck D.H.
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Reference to: PicoHarp 300
Fluorescent carbon nanomaterials: “quantum dots” or nanoclusters?
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Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics, Vol.016, p.16075-16084 (2014)
Reference to: FluoFit
Fluorescence enhancement of a fluorescein derivative upon adsorption on cellulose
Lopez S.G., Crovetto L., Alvarez-Pez J.M., Talavera E.M., San Román E.
Photochemical & Photobiological Sciences, Vol.013, p.1311-1320 (2014)
Reference to: MicroTime 200, TimeHarp 100/200, Pulsed Diode Lasers (PDL Series, LDH-Series, LDH-FA Series)
Basic fibroblast growth factor modifies the hypoxic response of human bone marrow stromal cells by ERK-mediated enhancement of HIF-1α activity
Fábián Z., Ramadurai S., Shaw G., Nasheuer H.-P., Kolch W., Taylor C., Barry F.
Stem Cell Research, Vol.012, p.646-658 (2014)
Reference to:
LSM Upgrade Kit
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