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8929 results found.
Chapter Four - 2-aminopurine fluorescence as a probe of local RNA structure and dynamics and global folding
Rau M.J., Hall K.B.
Methods in Enzymology, Vol.558, p.99-124 (2015)
Reference to: FluoFit
Ionic liquid-induced all-α to α + β conformational transition in cytochrome c with improved peroxidase activity in aqueous medium
Bharmoria P., Trivedi T.J., Pabbathi A., Samanta A., Kumar A.
Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics, Vol.017, p.10189-10199 (2015)
Reference to: MicroTime 200
Live cell plasma membranes do not exhibit a miscibility phase transition over a wide range of temperatures
Lee I.-H., Saha S., Polley A., Huang H., Mayor S., Rao M., Groves J.T.
The Journal of Physical Chemistry B, Vol.119, p.4450-4459 (2015)
Reference to: TimeHarp 100/200, SymPhoTime
Characterization of a hybrid diffuse correlation spectroscopy and time-resolved near-infrared spectroscopy system for real-time monitoring of cerebral blood flow and oxygenation
Verdecchia K., Diop M., Lee A., St. Lawrence K.
Proceedings of SPIE, Advanced Biomedical and Clinical Diagnostic and Surgical Guidance Systems XIII, 931310 (2015)
Reference to: Pulsed Diode Lasers (PDL Series, LDH-Series, LDH-FA Series), HydraHarp 400, PMA Series
Improving the TiO2 electron transport layer in perovskite solar cells using acetylacetonate-based additives
Wang H.-H., Chen Q., Zhou H., Song L., St Louis Z., De Marco N., Fang Y., Sun P., Song T.-B., Chen H., Yang Y.
Journal of Materials Chemistry A, Vol.003, p.9108-9115 (2015)
Reference to: Pulsed Diode Lasers (PDL Series, LDH-Series, LDH-FA Series), PicoHarp 300
Plasmonic effect on photon antibunching and blinking behavior of single quantum dots near gold nanoparticles
Dey S., Zhou Y., Tian X., Jenkins J.A., Chen O., Zou S., Zhao J.
Proceedings of SPIE, Quantum Dots and Nanostructures: Synthesis, Characterization, and Modeling XII, 93730D (2015)
Reference to: Pulsed Diode Lasers (PDL Series, LDH-Series, LDH-FA Series), PicoHarp 300, SPADs, SymPhoTime
Ultra-high-density 3D DNA arrays within nanoporous biocompatible membranes for single-molecule-level detection and purification of circulating nucleic acids
Aramesh M., Shimoni O., Fox K., Karle T.J., Lohrmann A., Ostrikov K., Prawer S. Cervenka J.
Nanoscale, Vol.007, p.5998-6006 (2015)
Reference to: PicoHarp 300
Towards bioderived intelligent nanocarriers for controlled pollutant recovery and pH-sensitive binding
Chiappisi L., Simon M., Gradzielski M.
ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces, Vol.007, p.6139-6145 (2015)
Reference to: PicoHarp 300
Characterization of the major light-harvesting complexes (LHCBM) of the freen alga chlamydomonas reinhardtii
Natali A., Croce R.
PLoS ONE, Vol.010, e0119211 (2015)
Reference to: FluoTime 200
Transport mechanism of squalenoyl-adenosine nanoparticles across the blood-brain barrier
Gaudin A., Tagit O., Sobot D., Lepetre-Mouelhi S., Mougin J., Martens T.F., Braeckmans K., Nicolas V., Desmaële D., de Smedt S.C., Hildebrandt N., Couvreur P., Andrieux K.
Chemistry of Materials, Vol.027, p.3636-3647 (2015)
Reference to: FluoTime 300
Selenium doped graphene quantum dots as an ultrasensitive redox fluorescent switch
Yang S., Sun J., He P., Deng X., Wang Z., Hu C., Ding G., Xie X.
Chemistry of Materials, Vol.027, p.2004-2011 (2015)
Reference to: HydraHarp 400
Dual-channel RESOLFT nanoscopy by using fluorescent state kinetics
Testa I., D´Este E., Urban N.T., Balzarotti F., Hell S.W.
Nano Letters, Vol.015, p.103-106 (2015)
Reference to: Pulsed Diode Lasers (PDL Series, LDH-Series, LDH-FA Series)
Detection of rhodopsin dimerization in situ by PIE-FCCS, a time-resolved fluorescence spectroscopy
Smith A.W.
Rhodopsin, Vol.1271 of the series Methods in Molecular Biology, p.205-219 (2015)
Reference to:
PicoHarp 300
Related to:
FCS, Pulsed Interleaved Excitation (PIE)
A cell-permeable fluorescent polymeric thermometer for intracellular temperature mapping in Mammalian cell lines
Hayashi T., Fukuda N., Uchiyama S., Inada N.
PLoS ONE, Vol.010, e0117677 (2015)
Reference to: Pulsed Diode Lasers (PDL Series, LDH-Series, LDH-FA Series)
Single-molecue identification of quenching and unquenched states of LHCII
Schlau-Cohen G.S., Yang H.-Y., Krüger T.P.J., Xu P., Gwizdala M., van Grondelle R., Croce R., Moerner W.E.
The Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters, Vol.006, p.860-867 (2015)
Reference to: PicoHarp 300
Lipid content in small and large natural rubber particles
Chan A.J., Steenkeste K., Eloy M., Brosson D., Gaboriaud F., Fontaine-Aupart M.-P.,
Rubber Chemistry and Technology, Vol.088, p.248-257 (2015)
Reference to: PicoHarp 300
p-Cyanophenylalanine and selenomethionine constitute a useful fluorophore–quencher pair for short distance measurements: application to polyproline peptides
Mintzer M.R., Trocler T., Gai F.
Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics, Vol.017, p.7881-7887 (2015)
Reference to: FluoFit
Unfolding and refolding of a protein by cholesterol and cyclodextrin: a single molecule study
Ghosh S., Ghosh C., Nandi S., Bhattacharyya K.
Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics, Vol.017, p.8017-8027 (2015)
Reference to: MicroTime 200
Dual-emissive nanohybrid for ratiometric luminescence and lifetime imaging of intracellular hydrogen sulfide
Yu Q., Zhang K.Y., Zhao Q., Yang T., Liu S., Zhang C., Shi Z., Xu W., Huang W.
ACS Applied Materials Interface, Vol.007, p.5462-5470 (2015)
Reference to: Pulsed Diode Lasers (PDL Series, LDH-Series, LDH-FA Series)
The lateral diffusion and fibrinogen induced clustering of platelet integrin αIIbβ3 reconstituted into physiologically mimetic GUVs
Gaul V., Lopez S.G., Lentz B.R., Moran N., Forster R.J., Keyes T.E.
Integrative Biology, Vol.007, p.402-411 (2015)
Reference to: MicroTime 200, SymPhoTime
Photon-correlation 'Fourier spectroscopy of the trion fluorescence in thick-shell CdSe/CdS nanocrystals
Biadala L., Frederich H., Coolen L., Quélin X., Javaux C., Nasilowski M., Dubertret B., Hermier J.-P.
Physical Review B, Vol.091, 085416 (2015)
Reference to: PicoHarp 300
Photoluminescence blinking from single CdSeZ/ZnS quantum dots in a conducting polymer matrix
Al-Attar N., Kennedy E., Kelly G., Rice J.H.
The Journal of Physical Chemistry C, Vol.119, p.6278-6287 (2015)
Reference to: SymPhoTime
Germanosilicate glass–ceramics for non-linear optics
Ventura M., Monteiro G., Almeida R.M., Schwarz R., Santos L.F.
Journal of Materials Science, Vol.050, p.3477-3484 (2015)
Reference to: PMA Series
Single photon absorption by a single atom: from heralded absorption to polarization state mapping
Piro N., Eschner J.
Quantum Physics (2015)
Reference to: PicoHarp 300
A facile, solvent vapor–fumigation-induced, self-repair recrystallization of CH3NH3PbI3 films for high-performance perovskite solar cells
Zhu W., Yu T., Li F., Bao C., Gao H., Yi Y., Yang J., Fu G., Zhou X., Zou Z.
Nanoscale, Vol.007, p.5427-5434 (2015)
Reference to: PicoHarp 300