8929 results found.
Vimentin-ERK signaling uncouples slug gene regulatory function
Virtakoivu R., Mai A., Mattila E., De Franceschi N., Imanishi S.Y., Corthals G., Kaukonen R., Saari M., Cheng F., Torvaldson E., Kosma V.-M., Mannermaa A., Muharram G., Gilles C., Eriksson J., Soini Y., Lorens J.B., Ivaska J.
Cancer Research, Vol.075, p.2349-2362 (2015)
Reference to: Pulsed Diode Lasers (PDL Series, LDH-Series, LDH-FA Series)
Synthesis, photophysical characterization, and photoinduced antibacterial activity of methylene blue-loaded Aamino-and mannose-targeted mesoporous silica nanoparticles
Planas O., Bresoli-Obach R., Nos J., Gallavardin T., Ruiz-González R., Agut M., Nonell S.
Molecules, Vol.020, p.6284-6298 (2015)
Reference to: FluoTime 200, FluoFit, NanoHarp 250
Humidity sensing mechanism based on the distance dependent interactions between BODIPY dye molecules and gold thin films
Acikgoz S., Yungevis H., Sanyal A., Inci M.N.
Sensors and Actuators A: Physical, Vol.227, p.21-30 (2015)
Reference to: FluoFit, PicoHarp 300
Growth temperature dependent surface plasmon resonances of densely packed gold nanoparticles’ films and their role in surface enhanced Raman scattering of Rhodamine6G
Verma S., Rao B.T., Bhartiya S. Sathe V., Kukreja L.M.
Applied Surface Science, Vol.346, p.379-387 (2015)
Reference to: SymPhoTime
Rayleigh scattering and depolarization ratio in linear alkylbenzene
Liu Q., Zhou X., Huang W., Zhang Y., Wu W., Luo W., Yu M., Zheng Y., Zhou L., Cao J., Wang Y.
Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section A: Accelerators, Spectrometers, Detectors and Associated Equipment, Vol.795, p.284-287 (2015)
Reference to: Pulsed Diode Lasers (PDL Series, LDH-Series, LDH-FA Series)
Effects of blend composition on the morphology of Si-PCPDTBT:PC71BM bulk heterojunction organic solar cells
Lin R., Wright M., Puthen-Veettil B., Wen X., Tayebjee M.J.Y., Uddin A.
physica status solidi (a), Vol.212, p.1931-1940 (2015)
Reference to: MicroTime 200
Fluorescence energy transfer enhancement in aluminium nanoapertures
de Torres J., Ghenuche P., Moparthi S.B., Grigoriev V., Wenger J.
Optics (2015)
Reference to: HydraHarp 400, SymPhoTime
Photophysical properties of Sn(IV)tetraphenylporphyrin-pyrene dyad with a β-vinyl linker
Reeta P.S., Khetubol A., Jella T., Chukharev V., Abou-Chahine F., Tkachenko N.V., Giribabu L., Lemmetyinen H.
Journal of Porohyrins and Phthalocyanines, Vol.019, p.288 (2015)
Reference to: Pulsed Diode Lasers (PDL Series, LDH-Series, LDH-FA Series)
Multi-color surface plasmon-enhanced photoluminescence of organic dyes using annealed AgOx thin film
Tseng M.L., Leu B.-H., Li P.-Y., Chung K.S., Chiang H.-P.
Plasmonics, Vol.010, p.1301-1305 (2015)
Reference to: TimeHarp 100/200, Pulsed Diode Lasers (PDL Series, LDH-Series, LDH-FA Series)
Multimodal nonlinear imaging of meningioma human biopsies
Zanello M., Sevrain D., Varlet P., Devaux B., Abi Haidar D.
Optics in the Life Sciences, paper BM3A.2 (2015)
Reference to: TimeHarp 100/200, FluoFit
Facile synthesis of Pd nanostructures in hexagonal mesophases as a promising electrocatalyst for ethanol oxidation
Ghosh S., Remita H., Kar P., Choudhury S., Sardar S., Beaunier P., Roy P.S., Bhattacharya S.K., Pal S.K.
Journal of Materials Chemistry C, Vol.003, p.9517-9527 (2015)
Reference to: Pulsed Diode Lasers (PDL Series, LDH-Series, LDH-FA Series)
An allosteric photoredox catalyst inspired by photosynthetic machinery
Lifschitz A.M., Young R.M., Mendez-Arroyo J., Stern C.L., McGuirk C.M., Wasielewski M.R., Mirkin C.A.
Nature Communications, Vol.006, 6541 (2015)
Reference to: Pulsed Diode Lasers (PDL Series, LDH-Series, LDH-FA Series)
Enhanced charge-transfer emission in polyimides by cyano-groups doping
San Sebastián M., Martinez-Martinez V. Maceiras A., Vilas J.L., López-Arbeloa I., León L.M.
The Journal of Physical Chemistry B, Vol.119, p.5685-5692 (2015)
Reference to: Pulsed Diode Lasers (PDL Series, LDH-Series, LDH-FA Series)
Synthesis and charge-transfer dynamics in a ferrocene-containing organoboryl aza-BODIPY donor-acceptor triad with boron as the hub
Maligaspe E., Pundsack T.J., Albert L.M., Zatsikha Y.V., Solntsev P.V., Blank D.A., Nemykin V.N.
Inorganic Chemistry, Vol.054, p.4167-4174 (2015)
Reference to: Pulsed Diode Lasers (PDL Series, LDH-Series, LDH-FA Series)
Surface modification of silica-coated gadolinium oxide nanoparticles with zinc tetracarboxyphenoxy phthalocyanine for the photodegradation of Orange G
Ledwaba M., Masilela N., Nyokong T., Antunes E.
Journal of Molecular Catalysis A: Chemical, Vol.403, p.64-76 (2015)
Reference to: FluoTime 200, FluoFit, PicoHarp 300, PMA Series
Test of candidate light distributors for the muon (g− 2) laser calibration system
Anastasi A., Babusci D., Baffigi F., Cantatore G., Cauz D., Corradi G., Dabagov S., Di Sciascio G., Di Stefano R., Ferrari C., Fienberg A.T., Fioretti A., Fulgentini L., Gabbanini C., Gizzi L.A., Hampai D., Hertzog D.W., Iacovacci M., Karuza M., Kaspar J., Koester P., Labate L., Mastroianni S., Moricciani D., Pauletta G., Santi L., Venanzoni G.
Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section A: Accelerators, Spectrometers, Detectors and Associated Equipment, Vol.788, p.43-48 (2015)
Reference to: Pulsed Diode Lasers (PDL Series, LDH-Series, LDH-FA Series)
Spatially resolved doping concentration and nonradiative lifetime profiles in single si-doped InP nanowires using photoluminescence mapping
Wang F., Gao Q., Peng K., Li Z., Li Zi., Guo Y., Fu L., Smith L.M., Tan H.H., Jagadish C.
Nano Letters, Vol.015, p.3017-3023 (2015)
Reference to: PicoHarp 300, SPADs
Single-photon emission from localized excitons in an atomically thin semiconductor
Tonndorf P., Schmidt R., Schneider R., Kern J., Buscema M., Steele G.A., Castellanos-Gomez A., van der Zant H.S.J., de Vasconcellos S.M., Bratschitsch R.
Optica, Vol.002, p.347-352 (2015)
Reference to: SPADs
Controlled vortex formation and facilitated energy transfer within aggregates of colloidal CdS nanorods
Kim W.D., Chae W.-S., Bae W.K., Lee D.C.
Chemistry of Materials, Vol.027, p.2797-2802 (2015)
Reference to: MicroTime 200, SymPhoTime
Antimicrobial photodynamic therapy with fulleropyrrolidine: photoinactivation mechanism of Staphylococcus aureus, in vitro and in vivo studies
Grinholc M., Nakonieczna J., Fila G., Taraszkiewicz A., Kawiak A., Szewczyk G., Sarna T., Lilge L., Bielawski K.P.
Applied Microbiology and Biotechnology, Vol.099, p.4031-4043 (2015)
Reference to: NanoHarp 250
Photophysical properties and photodynamic therapy effect of zinc phthalocyanine-spermine-single walled carbon nanotube conjugate on MCF-7 breast cancer cell line
Ogbodu R.O., Limson J.L., Prinsloo E., Nyokong T.
Synthetic Metals, Vol.204, p.122-132 (2015)
Reference to: FluoTime 300
Single-photon emitting diode in silicon carbide
Lohrmann A., Iwamoto N., Bodrog Z., Castelletto S., Ohshima T., Karle T.J., Gali A., Prawer S., McCallum J.C., Johnson B.C.
Nature Communications, Vol.006, 7783 (2015)
Reference to: PicoHarp 300
Polymethylmethacrylate nanoparticles as carrier of an oligodeoxynucleotide molecular beacon specific for survivin mRNA in A549 human lung adenocarcinoma epithelial cells
Adinolfi B., Giannetti A., Tombelli S., Trono C., Baldini F., Sotgui G., Varchi G., Pellegrino M.
2015 XVIII AISEM Annual Conference, p.1-4 (2015)
Reference to: Pulsed Diode Lasers (PDL Series, LDH-Series, LDH-FA Series)
Investigation of line width narrowing and spectral jumps of single stable defect centers in ZnO at cryogenic temperature
Neitzke O., Morfa A., Wolters J., Schell A.W., Kewes G., Benson O.
Nano Letters, Vol.015, p.3024-3029 (2015)
Reference to: Pulsed Diode Lasers (PDL Series, LDH-Series, LDH-FA Series)
An abnormally slow proton transfer reaction in a simple HBO derivative due to ultrafast intramolecular-charge transfer events
Alarcos N., Gutierrez M., Liras M., Sánchez F., Douhal A.
Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics, Vol.017, p.16257-16269 (2015)
Reference to: FluoFit