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8929 results found.
X-Ray crystal structure and properties of phanta, a weakly fluorescent photochromic GFP-like protein
Paul C.D., Traore D.A.K., Olsen S., Devenish R.J., Close D.W., Bell T.D.M., Bradbury A., Wilce M.C.J., Prescott M.
PLoS One, Vol.010, e0123338 (2015)
Reference to:
PicoHarp 300
Related to:
Aptamer-mediated codelivery of Doxorubicin and NF-κB decoy enhances chemosensitivity of pancreatic tumor cells
Porciani D., Tedeschi L., Marchetti L., Citti L., Piazza V., Beltram F., Signore G.
Molecular Therapy - Nucleic Acids, Vol.004, e235 (2015)
Reference to: Pulsed Diode Lasers (PDL Series, LDH-Series, LDH-FA Series)
Optical tuning of exciton and trion emissions in monolayer phosphorene
Yang J., Xu R., Pei J., Myint Y.W., Wang F., Wang Z., Zhang S., Yu Z., Lu Y.
Light: Science & Applications, Vol.004, e312 (2015)
Reference to: PicoHarp 300, SPADs
Direct observation of breaking of the intramolecular H-bond, and slowing down of the proton motion and tuning its mechanism in an HBO derivative
Alarcos N., Gutiérrez M., Liras M., Sánchez F., Moreno M., Douhal A.
Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics, Vol.017, p.14569-14581 (2015)
Reference to: FluoFit
Effect of surface plasmon resonance in TiO2/Au thin films on the fluorescence of self-assembled CdTe QDs structure
Moura I., Cerqueira M.F., Melnikau D., Savateeva D., Rakovich Y., Borges J., Vaz F., Vasilevskiy M.
Journal of Physics, Conference Series, Vol.605, 012025 (2015)
Reference to:
MicroTime 200, Pulsed Diode Lasers (PDL Series, LDH-Series, LDH-FA Series)
Related to:
Characterization of a Cu2ZnSnS4 solar cell fabricated by sulfurization of metallic precursor Mo/Zn/Cu/Sn
Liu X., Huang Y., Yun J., Wen X., Lu Z., Zhang T., Cui H., Li W., Lee C.-Y., Xu S., Hao X., Conibeer G.
physica status solidi (a), Vol.212, p.2074-2079 (2015)
Reference to: MicroTime 200
Regulation of structural dynamics within a signal recognition particle promotes binding of protein targeting substrates
Gao F., Kight A.D., Henderson R., Jayanthi S., Patel P., Murchison M., Sharma P., Goforth R.L., Kumar T.K.S., Henry R.L., Heyes C.D.
The Journal of Biological Chemistry, Vol.290, p.15462-15474 (2015)
Reference to:
MicroTime 200, SymPhoTime
Related to:
Light-emitting electrochemical cells and solution-processed organic light-emitting diodes using small molecule organic thermally activated delayed fluorescence emitters
Wong M.Y., Hedley G.J., Xie G., Kölln L.S., Samuel I.D.W., Pertegás A., Bolink H.J., Zysman-Colman E.
Chemistry of Materials, Vol.027, p.6535-6542 (2015)
Reference to: Pulsed Diode Lasers (PDL Series, LDH-Series, LDH-FA Series)
Lifetime investigation of single nitrogen vacancy centres in nanodiamonds
Stroteboom J., Dolan P., Castelletto S., Li X., Gu M.
Optics Express, Vol.023, p.11327-11333 (2015)
Reference to: PicoHarp 300, SPADs
Metal nanocluster light-emitting devices with suppressed parasitic emission and improved efficiency: exploring the impact of photophysical properties
Koh T.-W., Hiszpanski A.M., Sezen M., Naim A., Galfsky T., Trivedi A., Loo Y.-L., Menon V., Rand B.P.
Nanoscale, Vol.007, p.9140-9146 (2015)
Reference to: PicoHarp 300
Efficient deep blue fluorescent emitter showing high external quantum efficiency
Cha S.J., Han N.S., Song J.K., Park S.-R., Jeon Y.M., Suh M.C.
Dyes and Pigments, Vol.120, 200-207 (2015)
Reference to: PicoHarp 300
Dual fluorescence through Kasha’s rule breaking: an unconventional photomechanism for intracellular probe design
Brancato G., Signore G., Neyroz P., Polli D., Cerullo G., Abbandonato G., Nucara L., Barone V., Beltram F., Bizzarri R.
The Journal of Physical Chemistry B, Vol.119, p.6144-6154 (2015)
Reference to: FluoFit
Terbium to quantum rod Förster resonance energy transfer for homogeneous bioassays with picomolar detection limits
Tagit O., Annio G., Hildebrandt N.
Microchimica Acta, Vol.182, p.1693-1700 (2015)
Reference to:
FluoTime 300, FluoFit
Related to:
Single-molecule spectroscopy and femtosecond transient absorption studies on the excitation energy transfer process in ApcE(1–240) dimers
Long S., Zhou M., Tang K., Zeng X.-L., Niu Y., Guo Q., Zhao K.-H., Xia A.
Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics, Vol.017, p.13387-13396 (2015)
Reference to: MicroTime 200, TimeHarp 100/200, Pulsed Diode Lasers (PDL Series, LDH-Series, LDH-FA Series), SPADs, SymPhoTime
Photophysical properties of zinc phthalocyanine–uridine single walled carbon nanotube – conjugates
Ogbodu R.O., Amuhaya E.K., Mashazi P., Nyokong T.
Biomolecular Spectroscopy, Vol.149, p.231-239 (2015)
Reference to: FluoTime 300, Pulsed Diode Lasers (PDL Series, LDH-Series, LDH-FA Series), PMA Series
Impact of different surface ligands on the optical properties of pbs quantum dot solids
Xu F., Gerlein L.F., Ma X., Haughn C.R., Doty M.F., Cloutier S.G.
Materials, Vol.008, p.1858-1870 (2015)
Reference to: PicoHarp 300
Interligand electron transfer in heteroleptic Ruthenium(II) complexes occurs on multiple time scales
Stark C.W., Schreier W.J., Lucon J., Edwards E., Douglas T., Kohler B.
The Journal of Physical Chemistry A, Vol.119, p.4813-4824 (2015)
Reference to: FluoTime 200
Polymorph crystal packing effects on charge transfer emission in the solid state
He X., Benniston A.C., Saarenpää H., Lemmetyinen H., Tkachenko N.V., Baisch U.
Chemical Science, Vol.006, p.3525-3532 (2015)
Reference to: MicroTime 200
Fluorescence lifetime microscope for corneal metabolic imaging
Silva S.F., Batista A., Domingues J.P., Quadrado M.J., Morgado M.
IEEE 4th Portuguese Meeting on Bioengineering (ENBENG), 15060264 (2015)
Reference to: TimeHarp 100/200, Pulsed Diode Lasers (PDL Series, LDH-Series, LDH-FA Series), MicroTime 100, SymPhoTime
Thermochromic polyethylene films doped with perylene chromophores: experimental evidence and methods for characterization of their phase behaviour
Carlotti M., Gullo G., Battisti A., Martini F., Borsacchi S., Geppi M., Ruggeri G., Pucci A.
Polymer Chemistry, Vol.006, p.4003-4012 (2015)
Reference to:
Pulsed Diode Lasers (PDL Series, LDH-Series, LDH-FA Series), SymPhoTime
Related to:
Encapsulation of photoactive porphyrinoids in polyelectrolyte hollow microcapsules viewed by fluorescence lifetime imaging microscopy (FLIM)
Teixeira R., Serra V.V., Paulo P.M.R., Andrade S.M., Costa S.M.B.
RSC Advances, Vol.005, p.79050-79060 (2015)
Reference to: MicroTime 200, TimeHarp 100/200
Luminescent tracks of high-energy photoemitted electrons accelerated by plasmonic fields
Di Vece M., Giannakoudakis G., Bjørkøy A.V., Tang W.
Nanophotonics, Vol.004, p.511-519 (2015)
Reference to: SPADs
Evaluation of the charge transfer efficiency of organic thin-film photovoltaic devices fabricated using a photoprecursor approach
Masuo S., Sato W., Yamaguchi Y., Suzuki M.,Ken-ichi Nakayama K.-i., Yamada H.
Photochemical & Photobiological Sciences, Vol.014, p.883-890 (2015)
Reference to: Pulsed Diode Lasers (PDL Series, LDH-Series, LDH-FA Series)
From intra- to inter-molecular hydrogen bonds with the surroundings: steady-state and time-resolved behaviours
Alarcos N., Gutiérrez M., Liras M., Sánchez F., Douhal A.
Photochemical & Photobiological Sciences, Vol.014, p.1306-1318 (2015)
Reference to: FluoFit
Efficient multicolor and white light emission from Zr-based MOF composites: spectral and dynamic properties
Gutiérrez M., Sánchez F., Douhal A.
Journal of Materials Chemistry C, Vol.003, p.11300-11310 (2015)
Reference to: FluoFit