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Our instruments are used by top reserchers world wide, including recent nobel prize winners, such as W.E. Moerner and S.W. Hell. Our bibliography is a collection of papers that mention explicitly PicoQuant or at least one of our product's name. Searching or browsing through the bibliography allows to find out which laboratories use PicoQuant devices and what type of applications have been reported so far.

The bibliography contains articles mentioning explicitly PicoQuant or at least one of our product's name (e.g. MicroTime). Most of the references can be found easily by full-text searches on the internet. However, some papers cite us only indirectly, sometimes not at all. Such publications are included only if the use of a PicoQuant product is known, for example, based on communication with the author(s). There are certainly many more articles reporting results obtained using PicoQuant devices. Unfortunately, such papers are often hidden for us. Please help completing this list.
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8929 results found.

Prolonged in vivo retention of a cathepsin D targeted optical contrast agent in a mouse model of Alzheimer’s diseade

Snir J.A., Suchy M., St. Lawrence K., Hudson R.H.E., Pasternak S.H., Bartha R.
Journal of Alzheimer's Disease, Vol.048, p.73-87 (2015)

Reference to: Pulsed Diode Lasers (PDL Series, LDH-Series, LDH-FA Series)

The spectral relaxation dynamics and the molecular crowding effect of silver nanoclusters synthesized in the polymer scaffold

Wang K.-H., Chang C.-W.
Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics, Vol.017, p.23140-23146 (2015)

Reference to: PLS Series

Tunable singlet exciton fission and triplet-triplet annihilation in an orthogonal pentacene dimer

Lukman S., Musser A.J., Chen K., Athanasopoulos S., Yong C.K., Zeng Z., Ye Q., Chi C., Hodgkiss J.M., Wu J., riend R.H., Greenham N.C.
Advanced Functional Materials, Vol.025, p.5452-5461 (2015)

Reference to: Pulsed Diode Lasers (PDL Series, LDH-Series, LDH-FA Series)

Synergistic and antagonistic effects between alpha-tocopherol and phenolic acids in liposome system: spectroscopic study

Neunert G., Górnaś P., Dwiecki K., Siger A., Polewski K.
European Food Research and Technology, Vol.241, p.749-757 (2015)

Reference to: TimeHarp 100/200, PMA Series

Effect of quencher, denaturants, temperature and pH on the fluorescent properties of BSA protected gold nanoclusters

Chin R., Butler S., Raut S., Shah S., Borejdo J., Gryczynski Z., Gryczynski I.
Journal of Luminescence, Vol.168, p.62-68 (2015)

Reference to: FluoTime 200, FluoFit

On the calibration of a SPAD-based 3D imager with in-pixel TDC using a time-gated technique

Vornicu I., Carmona-Galán R., Rodriguez-Vázquez A.
IEEE International Symposium on Circuits and Systems (ISCAS), 15343345 (2015)

Reference to: PicoHarp 300, SPADs

Two-photon absorption properties and 1O2 generation ability of Ir complexes: an unexpected large cross section of [Ir(CO)2Cl(4-(para-di-n-butylaminostyryl)pyridine)]

Colombo A., Dragonetti C., Roberto D., Valore A., Ferrante C., Fortunati I., Picone A.L., Todescato F., Williams J.A.G.
Dalton Transactions, Vol.044, p.15712-15720 (2015)

Reference to: PicoHarp 300, SymPhoTime

Fluorescence spectroscopic analysis of the structure and dynamics of Bacillus subtilis lipase A governing its activity profile under alkaline conditions

Kübler D., Ingenbosch K.N., Bergmann A., Weidmann M., Hoffmann-Jacobsen K.
European Biophysics Journal, Vol.044, p.655-665 (2015)

Reference to: FluoTime 200, FluoFit

Fluorescent chemosensor for pyridine based on N-doped carbon dots

Campos B.B., Abellán C., Zougagh M., Jimenez-Jimenez J., Rodríguez-Castellón E., Esteves da Silva J.C.G., Ríos A. Algarra M.
Journal of Colloid and Interface Science, Vol.458, p.209-216 (2015)

Reference to: Pulsed Diode Lasers (PDL Series, LDH-Series, LDH-FA Series), PLS Series

Stable and efficient colour enrichment powders of nonpolar nanocrystals in LiCl

Erdem T., Soran-Erdem Z., Sharma V.K., Kelestemur Y., Adam M., Gaponik N., Demir H.V.
Nanoscale, Vol.007, p.17611-17616 (2015)

Reference to: PicoHarp 300

Motif-designed peptide nanofibers decorated with graphene quantum dots for simultaneous targeting and imaging of tumor cells

Su Z., Shen H., Wang H., Wang J., Li J., Nienhaus G.U., Shang L., Wei G.
Advanced Functional Materials, Vol.025, p.5472-5478 (2015)

Reference to: MicroTime 200

Optical temperature sensing using a new thermographic phosphor

Venturini F., Bürgi R., Borisov S.M., Klimant I.
Sensors and Actuators A: Physical, Vol.233, p.324-329 (2015)

Reference to: TimeHarp 260

Reusable inorganic templates for electrostatic self-assembly of individual quantum dots, nanodiamonds, and lanthanide-doped nanoparticles

Jiang M., Kurvits J.A., Lu Y., Nurmikko A.V., Zia R.
Nano Letters, Vol.015, p.5010-5016 (2015)

Reference to: PicoHarp 300

Fluorene- and benzofluorene-cored oligomers as low threshold and high gain amplifying media

Kazlauskas K., Kreiza G., Bobrovas O., Adomėnienė O., Adomėnas P., Jankauskas V., Juršėnas S.
Applied Physics Letters, Vol.107, 043301 (2015)

Reference to: PicoHarp 300

PsbS protein modulates non-photochemical chlorophyll fluorescence quenching in membranes depleted of photosystems

Ware M.A., Giovagnetti V., Belgio E., Ruban A.V.
Journal of Photochemistry and Photobiology B: Biology, Vol.152, p.301-307 (2015)

Reference to: FluoTime 200, FluoFit

Luminescence-kinetic spectroscopy of compound complexes of polyphenylquinolines

Aleksandrova E.L., Svelichnyi V.M., Matyushina N.V., Myagkova L.A., Daineko S.V., Martynov I.L., Tameev A.R.
Semiconductors, Vol.049, p.959-961 (2015)

Reference to: PicoHarp 300

Relaxation time mapping of single quantum dots and substrate background fluorescence

Pshenay-Severin E., Mukhin I., Fasold S., Geiss R., Steinbrück A., Grange R., Chipouline A., Pertsch T.
JETP Letters, Vol.102, p.161-166 (2015)

Reference to: MicroTime 200

Emission enhancement and polarization of semiconductor quantum dots with nanoimprinted plasmonic cavities: towards scalable fabrication of plasmon-exciton displays

Cadusch J.J., Panchenko E., Kirkwood N., James T.D., Gibson B,.C., Webb K.J., Mulvaney P., Roberts A.
Nanoscale, Vol.007, p.13816-13821 (2015)

Reference to: TimeHarp 100/200

Reducing interface recombination for Cu(In,Ga)Se2 by atomic layer deposited buffer layers

Hultqvist A., Li J.V., Kuciauskas D., Dippo P., Contreras M.A., Levi D.H., Bent S.F.
Applied Physics Letters, Vol.107, 033906 (2015)

Reference to: PicoHarp 300

Fluorescence polarization switching from a single silicon vacancy colour centre in diamond

Liu Y., Chen G., Rong Y., McGuinness L.P., Jelezko F., Tamura S., Tanii T., Teraji T., Onoda S., Ohshima T., Isoya J., Shinada T., Wu E., Zeng H.
Scientific Reports, Vol.005, 12244 (2015)

Reference to: PicoHarp 300

Differentiation of types of single radiation defects in crystals through the properties of their fluorescence intensity trajectories

Martynovich E.F., Dresvyansky V.P., Rakevich A.L., Zilov S.A., Boychenko S.V., Bagayev S.N.
Advanced Photonics, paper SeW2B.5 (2015)

Reference to: MicroTime 200

Gold nanoparticles in core-polyelectrolyte-shell assemblies promote large enhancements of phthalocyanine fluorescence

Teixeira R., Paulo P.M.R., Costa S.M.B.
The Journal of Physical Chemistry C, Vol.119, p.21612-21619 (2015)

Reference to: MicroTime 200, TimeHarp 260

Comparative photophysicochemical behavior of nanoconjugates of indium tetracarboxyphenoxy phthalocyanines covalently linked to CdTe/ZnSe/ZnO quantum dots

Oluwole D.O., Nyokong T.
Journal of Photochemistry and Photobiology A: Chemistry, Vol.312, p.34-44 (2015)

Reference to: FluoTime 300, Pulsed Diode Lasers (PDL Series, LDH-Series, LDH-FA Series)

Steady state and time resolved photoluminescence properties of CuInS2/ZnS quantum dots in solutions and in solid films

Droseros N., Seintis K., Fakis M., Gardelis S., Nassiopoulou A.G.
Journal of Luminescence, Vol.167, p.333-338 (2015)

Reference to: FluoTime 200
Related to: TRPL

Photoinduced electron transfer in CdSe/ZnS quantum dot-fullerene hybrids

Virkki K., DEmir S., Lemmetyinen H., Tkachenko N.V.
The Journal of Physical Chemistry C, Vol.119, p.17561-17572 (2015)

Reference to: Pulsed Diode Lasers (PDL Series, LDH-Series, LDH-FA Series), PicoHarp 300