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Our instruments are used by top reserchers world wide, including recent nobel prize winners, such as W.E. Moerner and S.W. Hell. Our bibliography is a collection of papers that mention explicitly PicoQuant or at least one of our product's name. Searching or browsing through the bibliography allows to find out which laboratories use PicoQuant devices and what type of applications have been reported so far.

The bibliography contains articles mentioning explicitly PicoQuant or at least one of our product's name (e.g. MicroTime). Most of the references can be found easily by full-text searches on the internet. However, some papers cite us only indirectly, sometimes not at all. Such publications are included only if the use of a PicoQuant product is known, for example, based on communication with the author(s). There are certainly many more articles reporting results obtained using PicoQuant devices. Unfortunately, such papers are often hidden for us. Please help completing this list.
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8929 results found.

Effect of nitrogen atom positioning on the trade-off between emissive and photocatalytic properties of carbon dots

Bhattacharyya S., Ehrat F., Urban P., Teves R., Wyrwich R., Döblinger M., Feldmann J., Urban A.S., Stolarczyk J.K.
Nature Communications, Vol.008, 1401 (2017)

Reference to: TimeHarp 260

Time-domain functional diffuse optical tomography system based on fiber-free silicon photomultipliers

Farina A., Tagliabue S., Di Sieno L., Martinenghi E., Durduran T., Arridge S., Martelli F., Torricelli A., Pifferi A., Dalla Mora A.
Applied Science, Vol.007, p.1235 (2017)

Reference to: TimeHarp 260

Advantages of developing super resolution microscopy techniques at Columbia University’s Microbeam II Endstation

Campelo S., Harken A.
Columbia University’s Microbeam II for Super Resolution Microscopy (2017)

Reference to: TimeHarp 260

Modulation of the photophysical properties of 1‐azathioxanthones by Eu3+, Gd3+, Tb3+, and Yb3+ ions in methanol

Arppe R., Kofod N., Junker A.K.R., Nielsen L.G., Dallerba E., Sørensen T.J.
European Journal of Inorganic Chemistry, Vol.2017, p.5246-5253 (2017)

Reference to: FluoTime 300, FluoFit, VisUV

Rationalizing substituent effects in 1-azathioxanthone photophysics

Junker A.K.R., Sørensen T.J.
Methods and Applications in Fluorescence, Vol.006, 014002 (2017)

Reference to: FluoTime 300, FluoFit, VisUV

Photon counting with photon number resolution through superconducting nanowires coupled to a multi-channel TDC in FPGA

Lusardi N., Los J.W.N., Gourgues R.B.M., Bulgarini G., Geraci A.
AIP Review of Scientific Instruments, Vol.088, 035003 (2017)

Reference to: TimeHarp 100/200, HydraHarp 400

Digital light deflection and electro-optical laser scanning for STED nanoscopy

Marquard J.
Dissertation University of Heidelberg (2017)

Reference to: Solea
Related to: STED

Long-range depth profiling of camouflaged targets using single-photon detection

Tobin R., Halimi A., McCarthy A., Ren X., McEwan K.J., McLaughlin S., Buller G.S.
Optical Engineering, Vol.057, 031303 (2017)

Reference to: HydraHarp 400

Analysis of time-correlated single photon counting data: a comparative evaluation of deterministic and probabilistic approaches

Smith D.A., McKenzie G., Jones A.C., Smith T.A.
Methods and Applications in Fluorescence, Vol.005, 042001 (2017)

Reference to: FluoFit

SIDT2 transports extracellular dsRNA into the cytoplasm for innate immune recognition

Nguyen T.A., Smith B.R.C., Tate M.D., Belz G.T., Barrios M.H., Elgass K.D., Weisman A.S., Baker P.J., Preston S.P., Whitehead L., Garnham A., Lundie R.J., Smyth G.K., Pellegrini M., O´Keeffe M., Wicks I.P., Masters S.L., Hunter C.P., Pang K.C.
Immunity, Vol.047, p.498-509.e6 (2017)

Reference to: PicoHarp 300, SymPhoTime

Single transverse mode protein laser

Dogru I.B., Min K., Umar M., Jalali H.B., Begar E., Conkar D., Karalar E.N.F., Kim S., Nizamoglu S.
Applied Physics Letters, Vol.111, 231103 (2017)

Reference to: MicroTime 100
Related to: TRPL

Low temperature photo-induced carrier dynamics in the GaAs0.985N0.015 alloy

Chen C., Han Y.-B., Wang X.-J., Chen P.-P., Han J.-B., Li L.
Journal of Alloys and Componds, Vol.699, p.297-302 (2017)

Reference to: PicoHarp 300
Related to: TRPL

Conjugation‐induced thermally activated delayed fluorescence (TADF): from conventional non‐TADF units to TADF‐active polymers

Wei Q., Kleine P., Karpov Y., Qiu X., Komber H., Sahre K., Kiriy A., Lygaitis R., Lenk S., Reineke S., Voit B.
Advanced Functional Materials, Vol.027, 1605051 (2017)

Reference to: TimeHarp 260, Pulsed Diode Lasers (PDL Series, LDH-Series, LDH-FA Series), PMA Series

Formation of pristine CuSCN layer by spray deposition method for efficient perovskite solar cell with extended stability

Yang I.S., Sohn M.R., Sung S.D., Kum Y.J., Yoo Y.J., Kim J., Lee W.I.
Nano Energy, Vol.032, p.414-421 (2017)

Reference to: FluoTime 200
Related to: TRPL

Experimental realization of an absolute single-photon source based on a single nitrogen vacancy center in a nanodiamond

Rodiek B., Lopez M., Hofer H., Porrovecchio G., Smid M., Chu X.-L., Gotzinger S., Sandoghdar V., Lindner S., Becher C., Kuck S.
Optica, Vol.004, p.71-76 (2017)

Reference to: PicoHarp 300
Related to: Antibunching

Probing micro-environment of lipid droplets in a live breast cell: MCF7 and MCF10A

Ghosh C., Nandi S., Bhattacharyya K.
Chemical Physics Letters, Vol.670, p.27-31 (2017)

Reference to: MicroTime 200

Sub-nanosecond light-pulse generation with waveguide-coupled carbon nanotube transducers

Pyatkov F., Khasminskaya S., Kovalyuk V., Hennrich F., Kappes M.M., Goltsman G.N., Pernice W.H.P., Krupke R.
Journal of Nanotechnology, Vol.008, p.38-44 (2017)

Reference to: PicoHarp 300, SPADs

Effect of alkoxy side chains on intra and interchain exciton coupling in PPE-PPV copolymers solution

Guesmi M., Ben Fredj A., Romdhane S., Bouguerra N., Egbe D.A.M., Lang R.W., Havlicek M., Sariciftci N.S., Bouchriha H.
Synthetic Materials, Vol.224, p.72-79 (2017)

Reference to: FluoTime 100, TimeHarp 100/200

Modifying optical properties of reduced/graphene oxide with controlled ozone and thermal treatment in aqueous suspensions

Hasan M.T., Senger B.J., Mulford P., Ryan C., Doan H., Gryczynski Z., Naumov A.V.
Nanotechnology, Vol.028, 065705 (2017)

Reference to: FluoTime 300, Pulsed Diode Lasers (PDL Series, LDH-Series, LDH-FA Series)

Nonlinear interactions of Zinc Phthalocyanine-graphene quantum dots nanocomposites: investigation of effects of surface functionalization with heteroatoms

Bankole O.M., Achadu O.J., Nyokong T.
Journal of Fluorescence, Vol.027, p.755-766 (2017)

Reference to: FluoTime 200

New polymers containing BF2-benzoylacetonate groups. Synthesis, luminescence, excimer and exciplex formation

Fedorenko E.V., Mirochnik A.G., Beloliptsev A.Y.
Journal of Luminescence, Vol.185, p.23-33 (2017)

Reference to: FluoTime 200

Enhanced emission of nanocrystals solids featuring slowly diffusive excitons

Kholmicheva N., Razgoniaeva N., Yadav P., Lahey A., Erickson C., Moroz P., Gamelin D., Zamkov M.
The Journal of Physical Chemistry C, Vol.121, p.1477-1487 (2017)

Reference to: Pulsed Diode Lasers (PDL Series, LDH-Series, LDH-FA Series)

Low-cost and efficient perovskite solar cells using a surfactant-modified polyaniline:poly(styrenesulfonate) hole transport material

Lee K., Cho K.H., Ryu J., Yun J., Yu H., Lee J., Na W., Jang J.
Electrochimica Acta, Vol.224, p.600-607 (2017)

Reference to: Pulsed Diode Lasers (PDL Series, LDH-Series, LDH-FA Series)
Related to: TRPL

Spectroscopic and MD study of dynamic and structural heterogeneities in ionic liquids

Wu E.C., Kim H.J., Peteanu L.A.
The Journal of Physical Chemistry B, Vol.121, p.1100-1107 (2017)

Reference to: PicoHarp 300, SymPhoTime
Related to: Single Molecule Detection

Spin-related micro-photoluminescence in Fe3+ doped ZnSe nanoribbons

Hou L., Chen C., Zhang L., Xu Q., Yang X., Farooq M.I., Han J., Liu R., Zhang Y., Shi L., Zou B.
applied sciences, Vol.007, 39 (2017)

Reference to: PicoHarp 300
Related to: TRPL