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Our instruments are used by top reserchers world wide, including recent nobel prize winners, such as W.E. Moerner and S.W. Hell. Our bibliography is a collection of papers that mention explicitly PicoQuant or at least one of our product's name. Searching or browsing through the bibliography allows to find out which laboratories use PicoQuant devices and what type of applications have been reported so far.

The bibliography contains articles mentioning explicitly PicoQuant or at least one of our product's name (e.g. MicroTime). Most of the references can be found easily by full-text searches on the internet. However, some papers cite us only indirectly, sometimes not at all. Such publications are included only if the use of a PicoQuant product is known, for example, based on communication with the author(s). There are certainly many more articles reporting results obtained using PicoQuant devices. Unfortunately, such papers are often hidden for us. Please help completing this list.
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8929 results found.

Polysucrose-based hydrogels for loading of small molecules and cell growth

Jugdawa Y., Bhaw-Luximon A., Wesner D., Goonoo N., Schönherr H., Jhurry D.
Reactive and Functional Polymers, Vol.115, p.18-27 (2017)

Reference to: MicroTime 200, PicoHarp 300

Modulated CH3NH3PbI3−xBrx film for efficient perovskite solar cells exceeding 18%

Tu Y., Wu J., Lan Z., He X., Dong J., Jia J., Guo P., Lin J., Huang M., Huang Y.
Scientific Reports, Vol.007, 44603 (2017)

Reference to: Pulsed Diode Lasers (PDL Series, LDH-Series, LDH-FA Series), PicoHarp 300

Mean path length invariance in multiple light scattering

Savo R., Pierrat R., Najar U., Carminati R., Rotter S., Gigan S.
Optics (2017)

Reference to: HydraHarp 400, SPADs

Thermally-activated delayed fluorescence from biocompatible, solid-state gold nanoclusters embedded into ionic-crystal matrices

Lin H.T., Cai K.B., Huang H.Y., Lin T.N., Shen J.L., Lin C.A.J., Yuan C.T.
Journal of Luminescence, Vol.187, p.269-273 (2017)

Reference to: HydraHarp 400

Mutually enhancing light emission between plasmonic nanostructures and fluorescent emitters

Zhao J., Chen Y., Shen H., Hui Y.Y., Chang H.-C., Gong Q., Lu G.
Optics (2017)

Reference to: PicoHarp 300

Ballistic and snake photon imaging for locating optical endomicroscopy fibres

Tanner M.g., Choudhary T.R., Craven T.H., Mills B., Bradley M., Henderson R.K., Dhaliwal K., Thomson R.R.
Biomedical Optics Express, Vol.008, p.4077-4095 (2017)

Reference to: Pulsed Diode Lasers (PDL Series, LDH-Series, LDH-FA Series)

Single eletron-photon pair generation from a single polarization-entangled photon pair

Kuroyama K., Larsson M., Matsuo S., Fujita T., Valentin S.R., Ludwig A., Wieck A.D., Oiwa A., Tarucha S.
Scientific Reports, Vol.007, 16968 (2017)

Reference to: TimeHarp 100/200

Photophysical and nonlinear optical study of benzothiazole substituted phthalocyanines in solution and thin films

Nwaji N., Bankole O.M., Britton J., Nyokong T.
Journal of Porphyrins and Phthalocyanines, Vol.021, p.1-10 (2017)

Reference to: FluoTime 300, Pulsed Diode Lasers (PDL Series, LDH-Series, LDH-FA Series)

Bent polytypic ZnSe and CdSe nanowires probed by photoluminescence

Kim Y., Im H.S., Park K., Kim J., Ahn J.-P., Yoo S.J., Kim J.-G., Park J.
Small, Vol.013, 1603695 (2017)

Reference to: Pulsed Diode Lasers (PDL Series, LDH-Series, LDH-FA Series), FluoFit, PicoHarp 300, PMA Series

Enhanced fluorescence properties of type-I and type-II CdTe/CdS quantum dots using porous silver membrane

Thuy U.T.D., Chae W.-S., Yang W.-G., Liem N.Q.
Optical Materials, Vol.066, p.611-615 (2017)

Reference to: MicroTime 200, SymPhoTime

Diversity of actin architecture in human osteoclasts: network of curved and branched actin supporting cell shape and intercellular micrometer-level tubes

Pennanen P., Alanne M.H., Fazeli E., Deguchi T., Näreoja T., Peltonen S., Peltonen J.
Molecular and Cellular Biochemistry, Vol.432, p.131-139 (2017)

Reference to: Pulsed Diode Lasers (PDL Series, LDH-Series, LDH-FA Series)
Related to: STED

Genetically encoded biosensors for visualizing live-cell biochemical activity at super-resolution

Mo G., Ross B., Hertel F., Manna P., Yang X., Greenwald E., Booth C., Plummer A.M., Tenner B., Chen Z., Wang Y., Kennedy E.J., Cole P.A., Fleming K.G., Palmer A., Jimenez R., Xiao J., Dedecker P., Zhang J.
Nature Methods, Vol.014, p.427-434 (2017)

Reference to: FluoTime 100

Super-resolving phase measurement with short wavelength NOON states by quantum frequency up-conversion

Zhou Z.-Y., Liu S.-L., Liu S.-K., Li Y.-H., Ding D.-S., Guo G.-C., Shi B.-S.
Quantum Physics (2017)

Reference to: TimeHarp 260

A FRET sensor enables quantitative measurements of membrane charges in live cells.

Ma Y., Yamamoto Y., Nicovich P.R., Goyette J., Rossy J., Gooding J.J., Gaus K.
Nature Biotechnology, Vol.035, p.363-370 (2017)

Reference to: MicroTime 200, PicoHarp 300, SPADs
Related to: FLIM, FRET

Complementary normalized compressive ghost imaging with entangled photons

Liu D., Li L.
Quantum Physics (2017)

Reference to: HydraHarp 400

The long-chain sphingoid base of ceramides determines thei propensity for lateral segregation

Al Sazzad Md.A., Yasuda T., Murata M., Slotte J.P.
Biophysical Journal, Vol.112, p.976-983 (2017)

Reference to: FluoTime 200, FluoFit, PicoHarp 300, PLS Series

Distinct enhancement of sub-bandgap photoresponse through intermediate band in high dose implanted ZnTe:O alloys

Li J., Ye J., Ren F., Tang D., Yang Y., Tang K., Gu S., Zhang R., Zheng Y.
Scientific Reports, Vol.007, 44399 (2017)

Reference to: PicoHarp 300

Assembling ordered nanorod superstructures and their application as microcavity lasers

Liu P., Singh S., Guo Y., Wang J.-J., Xu H., Silien C., Liu N., Ryan K.M.
Scientific Reports, Vol.007, 43884 (2017)

Reference to: PicoHarp 300

Emission of CdSe quantum dots according to the capping ligands

Lee M.J., Lee J., Yang H.-S., Hong K.-S.
Current Applied Physics, Vol.017, p.880-884 (2017)

Reference to: Pulsed Diode Lasers (PDL Series, LDH-Series, LDH-FA Series)

Inorganic rubidium cation as an enhancer for photovoltaic performance and moisture stability of HC(NH2)PbI3 perovskite solar cells

Park Y.H., Jeong I., Bae S., Son H.J., Lee P., Lee J., Lee C.-H., Ko M.J.
Advanced Functional Materials, Vol.027, 1605988 (2017)

Reference to: MicroTime 200, SymPhoTime

Non-line-of-sight tracking of people at long range

Chan S., Warburton R.E., Gariepy G., Leach J., Faccio D.
Optics Express, Vol.025, Ip.10109-10117 (2017)

Reference to: Pulsed Diode Lasers (PDL Series, LDH-Series, LDH-FA Series), PicoHarp 300

TiO2 mesocrystals composited with gold nanorods for highly efficient visible-NIR-photocatalytic hydrogen production

Elobanna O., Kim S., Fujitsuka M., Majima T.
Nano Energy, Vol.035, p.1-8 (2017)

Reference to: MicroTime 200, Pulsed Diode Lasers (PDL Series, LDH-Series, LDH-FA Series)

Characterization of Frex as an NADH sensor for in vivo applications in the presence of NAD+ and at various pH values

Wilkening S., Schmitt F.-J., Horch M., Zebger I., Lenz O., Friedrich T.
Photosynthesis Research, Vol.133, p.305-315 (2017)

Reference to: Pulsed Diode Lasers (PDL Series, LDH-Series, LDH-FA Series)

Biological sensing and control of emission dynamics of quantum dot bioconjugates using arrays of long metallic nanorods

Sadeghi S.M., Gutha R.R., Wing W.J., Sharp C., Capps L., Mao C.
Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics, Vol.050, 145401 (2017)

Reference to: TimeHarp 260

Morphology effects on singlet oxygen production and bacterial photoinactivation efficiency by different silica-protoporphyrin IX nanocomposites

Zampini G., Planas O., Marmottini F., Gulías O., Agut M., Nonell S., Latterini L.
RSC Advances, Vol.007, p.14422-14429 (2017)

Reference to: FluoTime 200, FluoFit, NanoHarp 250