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Our instruments are used by top reserchers world wide, including recent nobel prize winners, such as W.E. Moerner and S.W. Hell. Our bibliography is a collection of papers that mention explicitly PicoQuant or at least one of our product's name. Searching or browsing through the bibliography allows to find out which laboratories use PicoQuant devices and what type of applications have been reported so far.

The bibliography contains articles mentioning explicitly PicoQuant or at least one of our product's name (e.g. MicroTime). Most of the references can be found easily by full-text searches on the internet. However, some papers cite us only indirectly, sometimes not at all. Such publications are included only if the use of a PicoQuant product is known, for example, based on communication with the author(s). There are certainly many more articles reporting results obtained using PicoQuant devices. Unfortunately, such papers are often hidden for us. Please help completing this list.
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8929 results found.

Optical pump - nuclear resonance probe experiments on spin crossover complexes

Sakshath S., Jenni K., Scherthan L., Würtz P., Herlitschke M., Sergeev I., Strohm C., Wille H.-C., Röhlsberger R., Wolny J.A., Schünemann V.
Hyperfine Interactions, Vol.238, 89 (2017)

Reference to: Pulsed Diode Lasers (PDL Series, LDH-Series, LDH-FA Series)

Fluorescence quenching studies of γ-Butyrolactone-binding protein (CprB) from streptomyces coelicolor A3(2)

Mariam J., Anand R.
Quorum Sensing, Vol.1673, p.131-143 (2017)

Reference to: FluoFit

Spectral and kinetic features of nonradiative energy transfer in hybrid associates of colloidal quantum dots and organic dyes

Smirnov M.S.
Optics and Spectroscopy, Vol.123, p.705-716 (2017)

Reference to: TimeHarp 260

Gold nanoclusters with a wide range of fluorescence characteristics generated in situ in polymer thin films: potential gas sensing application

Madhuri U.D., Radhakrishnan T.P.
Dalton Transactions, Vol.046, p.16236-16243 (2017)

Reference to: MicroTime 200
Related to: FLIM

Non-line-of-sight imaging with partial occluders and surface normals

Heide F., O'Toole M., Zang K., Lindell D., Diamond S., Wetzstein G.
Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (2017)

Reference to: PicoHarp 300

Formation of long-lived color centers for broadband visible light emission in low-dimensional layered perovskites

Booker E.P., Thomas T.H., Quarti C., Stanton M.R., Dashwood C.D., Gillett A.H., Richter J.M., Pearson A.J., Davis N.J.L.K., Sirringhaus H., Price M.B., Greenham N.C., Beljonne D., Dutton S.E., Deschler F.
Journal of the American Chemical Society, Vol.139, p.18632-18639 (2017)

Reference to: Pulsed Diode Lasers (PDL Series, LDH-Series, LDH-FA Series)

Formation of lipid-bilayer nanodiscs ba diisobutylene/maleic acid (DIBMA) copolymer

Oluwole A.O., Klingler J., Danielczak B., Babalola J.O., Vargas C., Pabst G., Keller S.
Langmuir, Vol.033, p.14378-14388 (2017)

Reference to: FluoTime 300

Switching between H- and J-type electronic coupling in single conjugated polymer aggregates

Eder T., Stangl T., Gmelch M., Remmerssen K., Laux D., Höger S., Lupton J.M., Vogelsang J.
Nature Communications, Vol.008, 1641 (2017)

Reference to: Pulsed Diode Lasers (PDL Series, LDH-Series, LDH-FA Series), HydraHarp 400, SPADs

Dynamically controlled Purcell enhancement of visible spontaneous emission in a gated plasmonic heterostructure

Lu Y.J., Sokhoyan R., Cheng W.-H., Shirmanesh G.K., Davoyan A.R., Pala R.A., Thyagarajan K., Atwater H.A.
Nature Communications, Vol.008, 1631 (2017)

Reference to: Pulsed Diode Lasers (PDL Series, LDH-Series, LDH-FA Series), PicoHarp 300

Activity-dependent expression of Channelrhodopsin at neuronal synapses

Gobbo F., Marchetti L., Jacob A., Pinto B., Binini N., Pecoraro Bisogni F., Alia C., Luin S., Caleo M., Fellin T., Cancedda L., Cattaneo A.
Nature Communications, Vol.008, 1629 (2017)

Reference to: Pulsed Diode Lasers (PDL Series, LDH-Series, LDH-FA Series)

Automated quantification of protein periodic nanostructures in fluorescence nanoscopy images: abundance and regularity of neuronal spectrin membrane-associated skeleton

Barabas F.M., Masullo L.A., Bordenave M.D., Giusti S.A., Unsain N., Refojo D., Cáceres A., Stefani F.D.
Scientific Reports, Vol.007, 16029 (2017)

Reference to: Pulsed Diode Lasers (PDL Series, LDH-Series, LDH-FA Series)
Related to: STED

The laser control of the muon g-2 experiment at Fermilab

Anastasia A., Anastasio A., Avino S., Bedeschi F., Boiano A., Cantatore G., Cauz D., Ceravolo S., Corradi G., Dabagov S., Di Meo P., Driutti A., Di Sciascio D., Escalante O., Gagliardi D., Di Stefano R., Ferrari C., Fienberg A.T., Fioretti A., Gabbanini C., Gioiosa A., Hampai D., Hertzog D.W., Iacovacci M., Incagli M., Karuza M., Kaspar J., Lusiani A., Marignetti F., Mastroianni S., Moricciani D., Nath A., Pauletta G., Piacentino G.M., Raha N., Santi L., Smith M.W., Venanzoni G.
The European Physical Journal Conferences, Vol.142, 01002 (2017)

Reference to: Pulsed Diode Lasers (PDL Series, LDH-Series, LDH-FA Series)

Nanoparticle core stability and surface functionalization drive the mTOR signaling pathway in hepatocellular cell lines

Mariia Lunova M., Prokhorov A., Jirsa M., Hof M., Olżyńska A., Jurkiewicz P., Kubinová S., Lunov O., Dejneka A.
Scientific Reports, Vol.007, 16049 (2017)

Reference to: MicroTime 200, Pulsed Diode Lasers (PDL Series, LDH-Series, LDH-FA Series)

Specifics of luminescence of nanoclusters consisting of InP@ZnS colloidal quantum dots stabilized by oleylamine

Tovstun S.A., Brichkin S.B., Spirin M.G., Gak V.Yu., Razumov V.F.
High Energy Chemistry, Vol.051, p.449-454 (2017)

Reference to: FluoTime 200

Pyrene-nucleobase conjugates: synthesis, oligonucleotide binding and confocal bioimaging studies

Jabłoński A., Fritz Y., Wagenknecht H.-A., Czerwieniec R., Bernaś T., Trzybiński D., Woźniak K., Kowalski K.
Journal of Organic Chemistry, Vol.013, p.2521-2534 (2017)

Reference to: Pulsed Diode Lasers (PDL Series, LDH-Series, LDH-FA Series)

Correlation of the carrier decay time and barrier thickness for asymmetric cubic GaN/Al0.64Ga0.36N double quantum wells

Wecker T., Callsen G., Hoffmann A., Reuter D., As D.J.
physica status solidi (b), Vol.255, 1700373 (2017)

Reference to: FluoFit

Two-photon excitation of gold nanorods interrupted by extremely fast solvent-to-metal electron transfer

Zhu H., Garai M., Chen Z., Xu Q.-H.
The Journal of Physical Chemistry C, Vol.121, p.28546-28555 (2017)

Reference to: PMA Series

Suface complexed ZnO quantum dot for white light emission with controllable chromaticity and color temperature

Roy S., Pramanik S., Bhandari S., Chattopadhyay A.
Langmuir, Vol.033, p.14627-14633 (2017)

Reference to: Pulsed Diode Lasers (PDL Series, LDH-Series, LDH-FA Series)

Cerebral time domain-NIRS: reproducibility analysis, optical properties, hemoglobin species and tissue oxygen saturation in a cohort of adult subjects

Giacalone G., Zanoletti M., Contini D., Re R., Spinelli L., Roveri L., Torricelli A.
Biomedical Optics Express, Vol.008, p.4987-5000 (2017)

Reference to: Pulsed Diode Lasers (PDL Series, LDH-Series, LDH-FA Series)

Biexciton and trion energy transfer from CdSe/CdS giant nanocrystals to Si substrates

Guo T., Sampat S., Rupich S.M., Hollingsworth J.A., Buck M., Htoon H., Chabal Y.J., Gartstein Y.N., Malko A.V.
Nanoscale, Vol.009, p.19398-19407 (2017)

Reference to: TimeHarp 100/200

Imaging viscosity of intragranular mucin matrix in cystic fibrosis cells

Requena S., Ponomarchuk O., Castillo M., Rebik J., Brochiero E., Borejdo J., Gryczynski I., Dzyuba S.V., Gryczynski Z., Grygorczyk R., Fudala R.
Scientific Reports, Vol.007, 16761 (2017)

Reference to: MicroTime 200, SymPhoTime

Inhibitory effects of curcumin and cyclocurcumin in 1-methyl-4-phenylpyridinium (MPP+) induced neurotoxicity in differentiated PC12 cells

Chakraborty S., Karmenyan A., Tsai J.-W., Chiou A.
Scientific Reports, Vol.007, 16977 (2017)

Reference to: PicoHarp 300, TDA, SymPhoTime
Related to: FLIM

Development of a fluorogenic reactivity-palette for the study of nucleophilic addition reactions based on meso-formyl BODIPY dyes

Greene L.E., Lincoln R., Krumova K., Cosa G.
ACS Omega, Vol.012, p.8618-8624 (2017)

Reference to: FluoTime 200

Recent advances in fluorescence lifetime analytical microsystems: contact optics and CMOS time-resolved electronics

Wei L., Yan W., Ho D.
Sensors, Vol.017, 2800 (2017)

Reference to: FluoTime 300