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Our instruments are used by top reserchers world wide, including recent nobel prize winners, such as W.E. Moerner and S.W. Hell. Our bibliography is a collection of papers that mention explicitly PicoQuant or at least one of our product's name. Searching or browsing through the bibliography allows to find out which laboratories use PicoQuant devices and what type of applications have been reported so far.

The bibliography contains articles mentioning explicitly PicoQuant or at least one of our product's name (e.g. MicroTime). Most of the references can be found easily by full-text searches on the internet. However, some papers cite us only indirectly, sometimes not at all. Such publications are included only if the use of a PicoQuant product is known, for example, based on communication with the author(s). There are certainly many more articles reporting results obtained using PicoQuant devices. Unfortunately, such papers are often hidden for us. Please help completing this list.
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8928 results found.

Photon arrival time tagging with many channels, sub-nanosecond deadtime, very high throughput, and fiber optic remote synchronization

Wahl M., Roehlicke T., Kulisch S., Rohilla S., Kraemer B., Hocke A.C.
Review of Scientific Instruments, Vol.091, 013108 (2020)

Reference to: MicroTime 200, FLIMBee, FluoTime 300, MultiHarp 150, Pulsed Diode Lasers (PDL Series, LDH-Series, LDH-FA Series), PMA Series, SymPhoTime

The bright X-ray stimulated luminescence of HfO2 nanocrystals activated by Ti ions

Villa I., Moretti F.,Fasoli M., Rossi A., Hattendorf B., Dujardin C., Niederberger M., Vedda A., Lauria A.
Advanced Optical Materials, Vol.008, 1901348 (2020)

Reference to: PicoHarp 300

Green emitter and thermally stable layered tetraethyl ammonium lead bromoiodide perovskite

Aamir M., Butt A.F., Khan M.D., Sher M., Iqbal A., Malik M.A., Jabeen U., Akhtar J.
Optik, Vol.207, 163828 (2020)

Reference to: FluoTime 300

A carbon-dot sensing probe for screening of date rape drugs: nitro-containing Benzodiazepines

Yen Y.-T., Lin Y.-S., Chen T.-H., Chyueh S.-C., Chang H.-T.
Sensors and Actuators B: Chemical, Vol.305, 127441 (2020)

Reference to: TimeHarp 100/200

Electrochemically controlled CdS@CdSe nanoparticles on ITO@TiO2 dual core–shell nanowires for enhanced photoelectrochemical hydrogen production

Cho Y., Park M., Kim J.K., Kim S., Jung H.S., Park J.H.
Applied Surface Science, Vol.505, 144569 (2020)

Reference to: Pulsed Diode Lasers (PDL Series, LDH-Series, LDH-FA Series)

Uptake and excretion dynamics of gold nanoparticles in cancer cells and fibroblasts

Ivosev V., Jimenez-Sanchez G., Porcel E., Yang X., González Vargas C.R., Haidar D.A., Bazzi R., Stefancikova L., Roux S., Lacombe S.
Nanotechnology, Vol.031, 135102 (2020)

Reference to: SymPhoTime

A nanoscale view of amyloid photodynamic damage

Bondia P., Torra J., Tone C.M., Sawazaki T., del Valle A., Sot B., Nonell S., Kanai M., Sohma Y., Flors C.
Journal of the American Chemical Society, Vol.142, p.922-930 (2020)

Reference to: FluoTime 200, NanoHarp 250

Broadband white light emission from one-dimensional zigzag edge-sharing perovskite

Jung M.-H.
New Journal of Chemistry, Vol.044, p.171-180 (2020)

Reference to: MicroTime 200

Formation of phospholipid association colloids in rapeseed oil and their effect on lipid autoxidation in the presence of sinapic and ferulic acid

Rokosik E., Siger A., Rudzińska M., Siejak P., Dwiecki K.
Lipid Science, Vol.122, 1900243 (2020)

Reference to: TimeHarp 100/200, Pulsed Diode Lasers (PDL Series, LDH-Series, LDH-FA Series), PMA Series

A direct fluorescent signal transducer embedded in a DNA aptamer paves the way for versatile metal-ion detection

Raducanu V.-S., Rashi F., Zaher M.S., Li Y., Merzaban J.S., Hamdan S.M.
Sensors and Actuators B Chemical, Vol.304, 127376 (2020)

Reference to: FluoFit

Vapor-assisted deposition of CsPbIBr2 films for highly efficient and stable carbon-based planar perovskite solar cells with superior Voc

Liu X., Li J., Liu Z., Tan X., Sun B., Xi S., Shi T., Tang Z., Liao G.
Electrochimica Acta, Vol.330, 135266 (2020)

Reference to: FluoTime 300

Cruciform molecules bearing Bis(phenylsulfonyl)benzene moieties for high‐efficiency solution processable OLEDs: when thermally activated delayed fluorescence meets mechanochromic luminescence

Zhou D., Ryoo C.H., Liu D., Wang S., Qian G., Zheng Y., Park S.Y., Zhu W., Wang Y.
Advanced Optical Materials, Vol.008, 1901021 (2020)

Reference to: FluoTime 200

Imaging material functionality through three-dimensional nanoscale tracking of energy flow

Delor M., Weaver H.L., Yu Q., Ginsberg N.S.
Nature Materials, Vol.919, p.56–62 (2020)

Reference to: Pulsed Diode Lasers (PDL Series, LDH-Series, LDH-FA Series)

The calibration system of the Muon ????–2 experiment

Driutti A., Basti A., Bedeschi F., Cantatore G., Cauz D., Corradi G., Dabagov S., Di Falco S., Di Sciascio G., Di Stefano R., Donati S., Escalante O., Ferrari C., Fioretti A., Gabbanini C., Gioiosa A., Hampai D., Iacovacci M., Incagli M., Karuza M., Lusiani A., Marignetti F., Mastroianni S., Moricciani D., Nath A., Pauletta G., Piacentino G.M., Raha N., Santi L., Smith M., Sorbara M., Venanzoni G.
Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section A: Accelerators, Spectrometers, Detectors and Associated Equipment, Vol.936, p.98-101 (2019)

Reference to: Pulsed Diode Lasers (PDL Series, LDH-Series, LDH-FA Series)

Cavity-control of bright and dark interlayer excitons in van der Waals heterostructures

Förg M., Colombier L., Patel R.K., Lindlau J., Mohite A.D., Yamaguchi H., Glazov M.M., Hunger D., Högele A.
Nature Communications, Vol.010, 3697 (2019)

Reference to: SPADs

Stability of the optical responses from lead-free perovskite films

Ushakova E.V., Fedorov A.V., Baranov A.V., Matuhina A.I., Sokolova A.V., Cherevkov S.A., Bogdanov K.V., Dubavik A., Baranov M.A., Litvin A.P., Takai K.
Optics and Spectroscopy, Vol.127, p.1110-1116 (2019)

Reference to: MicroTime 100

Time-resolved FRET in AgInS2/ZnS-CdSe/ZnS quantum dot systems

Baranov A.V., Cherevkov S.A., Dubavik A., EvstigneevT, R.V., Fedorov A.V., Martynenko I.V., Parfenov P.S., Resch-Genger U., Ushakova E.V.
Nanotechnology, Vol.030, 195501 (2019)

Reference to: MicroTime 100
Related to: FRET

Colloidal aluminum antimonide quantum dots

Bahmani Jalali H., Sadeghi S., Sahin M., Ozturk H., Ow-Yang C.W., Nizamoglu S.
Chemistry of Materials, Vol.031, p.4743-4747 (2019)

Reference to: MicroTime 100

Biocompatible quantum funnels for neural photostimulation

Bahmani Jalali H., Karatum O., Melikov R., Dikbas U.M., Sadeghi S., Yildiz E., Dogru I.B., Eren G.O., Ergun C., Sahin A., Kavakli I.H., Nizamoglu S.
Nano Letters, Vol.019, p.5975-5981 (2019)

Reference to: MicroTime 100

Enhanced stability of the optical responses from all-inorganic perovskite nanocrystals embedded in a synthetic opal matrix

Ushakova E., Matuhina A., Sokolova A., Cherevkov S.A., Dubavik A., Medvedev O., Litvin A., Kurdyukov Dz., Golubev V., Baranov A.V.
Nanotechnology, Vol.030, 405206 (2019)

Reference to: MicroTime 100

Porous flower-like superstructures based on self-assembled colloidal quantum dots for sensing

Stepanidenko E.A., Gromova Y.A., Kormilina T.K., Cherevkov S.A., Kurshanov D.A., Dubavik A., Baranov M.A., Medvedev O.S., Fedorov A.V., Gun’ko Y.K., Ushakova E.V., Baranov A.V.
Scientific Reports, Vol.009, 617 (2019)

Reference to: MicroTime 100

Chemical strategies to modify amyloidogenic peptides using iridium(III) complexes: coo8rdination and photo-induced oxidation

Kang J., Nam J.S., Lee H.J., Nam G., Rhee H.-W., Kwon T.-H., Lim M.H.
Chemical Science, Vol.010, p.6855-6862 (2019)

Reference to: FluoFit, PicoHarp 300

High Voc upon KF post-deposition treatment for ultrathin single-stage coevaporated Cu(In, Ga)Se2 solar cells

de Wild J., Buldu D.G., Schnabel T., Simor M., Kohl T., Birant G., Brammertz G., Meuris M., Poortmans J., Bermang B.
ACS Applied Energy Materials, Vol.002, p.6102-6111 (2019)

Reference to: TimeHarp 260
Related to: TRPL

Single-molecule FRET reveals transport mechanism of ABS transporters

Husada F.
Dissertation University of Groningen (2019)

Reference to: HydraHarp 400, SPADs
Related to: FRET

Quantum-correlated photons from semiconductor cavity polaritons

Muñoz-Matutano G., Wood A., Johnson M., Asensio X.V., Baragiola B., Reinhard A., Lemaitre A., Bloch J., Amo A., Besga B., Richard M., Volz T.,
Mesoscale and Nanoscale Physics (2019)

Reference to: PicoHarp 300