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8927 results found.
Probe-hosted large area silicon photomultiplier and high-throughput timing electronics for enhanced performance time-domain functional near-infrared spectroscopy
Di Sieno L., Behera A., Rohilla S., Ferocino E., Contini D., Rotticelli A., Krämer B., Koberling F., Pifferi A. Dalla Mora A.
Biomedical Optics Express Vol.011, p.6389-6412 (2020)
Reference to: MultiHarp 150, Pulsed Diode Lasers (PDL Series, LDH-Series, LDH-FA Series)
Spectral–temporal biphoton waveform of photon pairs from cascade-type warm atoms
Park J., Jeong T., Moon H.S.
Scientific Reports, ,Vol.010, 16413 (2020)
Reference to: PicoHarp 300
Time-resolved and temperature-dependent broadband emission of plasmon-coupled quantum dots
Rice Q., Raut S., Chib R., Gryczynski Z., Gryczynski I., Wang A., Yu W.Y., Tabibi B., Seo F.J.
Journal of Materials and Applications, Vol.009, p.99-106 (2020)
Reference to: FluoTime 200, FluoFit
Direct measurement of protein–protein interactions by FLIM-FRET at UV laser-induced DNA damage sites in living cells
Kaufmann T., Herbert S., Hackl B., Besold J.M., Schramek C., Gotzmann J., Elsayad K., Slade D.
Nucleic Acids Research, Vol.048, p.e122 (2020)
Reference to:
MicroTime 200
Related to:
Revealing the perovskite formation kinetics during chemical vapour deposition
Moser T., Artuk K., Jiang Y., Feurer T., Gilshtein E., Tiwari A.N., Fu F.
Journal of Materials Chemistry A, Vol.008, p.21973-21982 (2020)
Reference to: MicroTime 100
Li2100deplMoO4 crystals grown by low-thermal-gradient Czochralski technique
Grigorieva V.D., Shlegel V.N., Borovlev Yu.A., Bekker T.B., Barabash A.S., Konovalov S.I., Umatov V.I., Borovkov V.I., Meskov O.I.
Journal of Crystal Growth, Vol.552, 125913 (2020)
Reference to: PMA Series
Synergistic effect of excited sstate property and aggregation characteristic of organic semiconductor on efficient hole-transportation in perovskite
Jo B., Park H., Kamaraj E., Lee S., Jung B., Somasundaram S., Jeon G.G., Lee K.-T., Kim N., Kim J.H., Jum B.-G., Ahn T.K., Park S., Park H.J.
Advanced Functional Materials, Vol.031, 2007180 (2020)
Reference to: FluoTime 300, Pulsed Diode Lasers (PDL Series, LDH-Series, LDH-FA Series)
A versatile single-photon spectrograph for the spectral measurement of the two-photon state
Xiang X., Dong R., Quan R., Jin Y., Yang Y., Li M.
Proceedings of SPIE, Real-time Photonic Measurements, Data Management, and Processing V, 115550K (2020)
Reference to: PicoHarp 300
Direct assessment of extracerebral signal contamination on optical measurements of cerebral blood flow, oxygenation, and metabolism
Milej D., Abdalmalak A., Rajaram A., St. Lawrence K.
Neurophotonics, Vol.007, 045002 (2020)
Reference to: Pulsed Diode Lasers (PDL Series, LDH-Series, LDH-FA Series), HydraHarp 400, PMA Series
Self-resonant u-lasers of colloidal quantum wells constructed by direct deep patterning
Gheshlaghi N., Foroutan-Barenji S., Erdem O., Altintas Y., Shabani F., Humayun M.H., Demir H.V.
Applied Physics (2020)
Reference to: FluoTime 200
CoFe2O4 decorated g-C3N4 nanosheets: New insights into superoxide anion mediated photomineralization of methylene blue
Ehsan M.F., Fazal A., Hamid S., Arfan M., Khan I., Usman M., Shafiee A., Ashiq M.N.
Journal of Environmental Chemical Engineering, Vol.008, 104556 (2020)
Reference to: FluoTime 300, PLS Series
Palladium zero-mode waveguides for optical single-molecule detection with nanopores
Klughammer N., Dekker C.
Nanotechnology, Vol.032, 18LT01 (2020)
Reference to:
MicroTime 200, SymPhoTime
Related to:
Measuring ion oscillations at the quantum level with fluorescence light
Cerchiari G., Araneda G., Podhora L., Slodička L., Colombe Y., Blatt R.
Quantum Physics (2020)
Reference to: PicoHarp 300
Au nanostar nanoparticle as a bio-imaging agent and its detection and visualization in biosystems
Perevedentseva E., Ali N., Lin Y.-C., Karmenyan A., Chang C.-C., Bibikova O., Skovorodkin I., Prunskaite-Hyyryläinen R., Vainio S.J., Kinnunen M., Cheng C.-L.
Biomedical Optics Express Vol.011, p.5872-5885 (2020)
Reference to: PicoHarp 300, SymPhoTime
Surface passivation of carbon nanoparticles with 1,2-phenylenediamine towards photoluminescent carbon dots
Petronela D.A., Craciun A.M., Mihalache I., Focsan M., Socaci C., Maniu D., Astilean S., Veca L.M., Terec A.
Revue Roumaine de Chimie, Vol.065, p.559-566 (2020)
Reference to: MicroTime 200, Pulsed Diode Lasers (PDL Series, LDH-Series, LDH-FA Series), PicoHarp 300, SPADs, SymPhoTime
A coating strategy for coevolving photocatalysis to stabilise visible-light absorbing semiconductors
Zhao T., Yanagi R., Xu Y., He Y., Song Y., Yang M., Hu S.
Research Square, preprint (2020)
Reference to:
PicoHarp 300
Related to:
Establishing multifunctional interface layer of perovskite ligand modified lead sulfide quantum dots for improving the performance and stability of perovskite solar cells
Ma R., Ren Z., Li C., Wang Y., Huang Z., Zhao Y., Yang T., Liang Y., Sun X.W., Choy W.C.H.
Small, Vol.016, 2002628 (2020)
Reference to: FluoTime 300, Pulsed Diode Lasers (PDL Series, LDH-Series, LDH-FA Series)
Thiophene terminated fullerene derivatives for interfacial modificaiton toward high efficiency MAPbI3 perovskite solar cells
Wang H., Chen M., Li F., Sun R., Wang P., Ye F., Zhang H., Miao W., Liu D., Wang T.
ACS Applied Energy Materials, Vol.003, p.9824-9832 (2020)
Reference to: FluoTime 300
Förster Resonance Energy Transfer in aggregates of CdSe colloidal quantum dots with adsorbed meso-tetra(3-pyridyl)porphyrin
Nikolenko L.M., Gadomskaya A.V., Spirin M.G., Tovstun S.A., Brichkin S.B., Razumov V.F.
High Energy Chemistry, Vol.054, p.316-327 (2020)
Reference to:
FluoTime 200
Related to:
Residence and diffusion of a dynamically prototropic hydration probe in AOT reverse micelles
Adhikari A., Park J.-H., Nho H.-W., Kwon O.-H.
Journal of Molecular Liquids, Vol.320, 114346 (20209
Reference to: FluoTime 300
RAB33B recruits the ATG16L1 complex to the phagophore via a noncanonical RAB binding protein
Pantoom S., Konstrantinidis G., Voss S., Han H., Hofnagel O., Li Z., Wu Y.-W.
Autophagy, Vol.022, p.1-15 (2020)
Reference to:
Pulsed Diode Lasers (PDL Series, LDH-Series, LDH-FA Series), PicoHarp 300, LSM Upgrade Kit
Related to:
Photophysics of Titania nanoparticle/ quantum dot hybrid structures
Kolesova E.P., Safin F.M., Maslov V.G., Dubavik A., Gun’ko Y.K., Orlova A.O.
Optical Spectroscopy, Vol.128, p.1256-1261 (2020)
Reference to: MicroTime 100
IR luminescence of polyfunctional associates of Indocyanine green and Ag2S quantum dots
Kondratenko T.S., Smirnov M.S., Ovchinnikov O.V., Grevtseva I.G., Latyshev A.N.
Optics and Spectroscopy, Vol.128, p.1278-1285 (2020)
Reference to: TimeHarp 260
The elusive nature of carbon nanodot fluorescence: an unconventional perspective
Righetto M., Carraro F., Privitera A., Marafon G., Moretto A., Ferrante C.
The Journal of Physical Chemistry C, Vol.124, p.22314-22320 (2020)
Reference to:
PicoHarp 300
Related to:
Micropatterning of cells on gold surfaces for biophysical applications
Grandy C., Kolb P., Port F., Gottschalk K.-E.
STAR Protocols, Vol.001, 100106 (2020)
Reference to: MicroTime 200