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News and Press Releases

November 11, 2019

PicoQuant donates to atmosfair’s energy efficiency project in Rwanda

For PicoQuant, green is more than just the company color: Environmental and social responsibility are part of the company’s core philosophy. “We decided to compensate our CO2 emission produced by our air travel by donating to the climate protection organization atmosfair," says Rainer Erdmann, Managing Director of PicoQuant. For the air travel miles accrued in 2019, PicoQuant donates 6000 EUR to an energy efficiency project in Rwanda, which focuses on providing highly efficient cook stoves. These stoves are assembled in Rwanda with parts sourced locally.

Picture by atmosfair gGmbH

PicoQuant donates to atmosfair’s energy efficiency project in Rwanda

November 11, 2019

38 researchers from all over the world at PicoQuant’s fluorescence course

The course gives an in-depth introduction into principles and applications of time-resolved fluorescence spectroscopy

From November 4-7, 2019, PicoQuant held the 17th edition of its yearly course on the “Principles and Applications of Time-resolved Fluorescence” in Berlin. The 38 participants from all over the world greatly appreciated the inspiring lectures by Prof. Joseph R. Lakowicz from the Center of Fluorescence Spectroscopy (CFS, Baltimore, USA), Prof. Zygmunt “Karol” Gryczynski from the Texas Christian University (Texas, USA), and Prof. Nikolai Tkachenko from the Tampere University (Finland).

The attendees and lecturers also got a first look at PicoQuant’s new FluoMic add-on for the FluoTime 300 fluorescence spectrometer. This add-on enables measuring steady-state and time-resolved spectra from a small point of interest (down to 2 µm) on a remote sample located, for example, in a microscope.

Both the lectures and complementary practical sessions using instruments from Agilent Technologies and PicoQuant helped participants in gaining an in-depth understanding of fluorescence spectroscopy and its application in Materials and Life Sciences. The course program was rounded out by a welcoming reception as well as a dinner, which gave attendees ample opportunities for discussing and networking in an informal atmosphere.

Course Website

38 researchers from all over the world at PicoQuant’s fluorescence course

October 1, 2019

20% off on Laser Driver PDL 800-D

Get the best quality at the best price by taking advantage of our exceptional end-of-year-deal

The PDL 800-D is PicoQuant’s well known single channel driver that is capable of operating any picosecond pulsed laser diode heads from the LDH and LDH-FA Series as well as sub-nanosecond pulsed LEDs from the PLS Series. The driver’s high quality and reliability are reflected by its 5-year unlimited world wide warranty. Customers ordering a PDL 800-D from October 1, 2019 until December 31, 2019 will get a -20% price reduction.

To get a quote please visit the product website: PDL 800-D

20% off on Laser Driver PDL 800-D

September 13, 2019

PicoQuant together with two Nobel prize laureates and 230 scientists celebrate 25 years of single molecule science

The 25th Single Molecule Workshop brought together renowned researchers with young scientists in Berlin

From September 3 to 6, 2019, over 230 scientists from all over the world joined PicoQuant to celebrate the Workshop’s 25th anniversary in Berlin. The attendees, ranging from famous, well-established researchers to young, upcoming enthusiastic scientists, gathered to report on and discuss the latest developments in the field of Single Molecule Detection (SMD) and advanced microscopy techniques.

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PicoQuant together with two Nobel prize laureates and 230 scientists celebrate 25 years of single molecule science

September 11, 2019

Congratulations to the winners of the student award 2019

The prize was awarded during PicoQuant's 25th anniversary single molecule workshop

A core aspect of the Single Molecule Workshop is fostering young researchers. To achieve this goal, PicoQuant provides PhD and undergraduate students the opportunity to present their work in front of an international audience and honors the best presentation with a student award. Selecting a single winner from this year’s outstanding 15 contributions proved to be so challenging that the jury decided to nominate three winners. The 1500 Euro prize was split between Arindam Ghosh (University of Göttingen, Germany) for his talk on “graphene based metal induced energy transfer for sub-nanometer optical localization”,  Kristyna Holanova (Institute of Photonics and Electronics of the CAS, Czech Republic) for her work on “revealing single-protein function by high-speed tracking of individual domains”, and Tim Schröder (University of Munich, Germany) for his presentation on “following the fate of excitions in multi-chromophoric nanoparticles”. We thank all participating students for presenting such excellent talks. Congratulations to the the winners!

Congratulations to the winners of the student award 2019